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"This is your chance then!"
The green boy stood up, still holding onto Crona's arm.
He punched through the wall leading to the outside and ran through it, dragging Crona with him.
This was too fast for the meister. After a few days they're already escaping. They didn't know whether to feel relieved or terrified. They broke Chrollo's deal and it's only a matter of time until they get hunted down.

"Hey!" The albino boy appeared beside them, smiling at their friend then took a glance at Crona still being dragged by the arm.
"You idiot! Why did you bring a Troupe member with us!" He yelled.
"No no it's okay! They are not part of the troupe! I'm saving them." The boy reassured.
"This could be a trick! You need to be more aware, Gon!"
"Killua, they looked miserable."

Crona listened while the two boys, now knowing the names as Gon and Killua, argued about them while running away from the building.
"Uh um excuse me?" They spoke but neither of the boys heard since they still were having their little dispute.
Crona frowned a bit, but didn't try to speak up again. Instead they brung up their other arm and grabbed Gon's hand that was holding their arm. They wiggled his hand and managed to free their arm but resulting in a fall. Gon noticed and stopped to look back at Crona who was on the dusty ground.
"What's wrong?" Gon looked worried.

"Y-you don't know what you've gotten yourself into. They're going to hunt me down and now you two are going to be included."
Crona coughed.
"You're already out, there is no going back."
Gon walked towards Crona and crouched down to be on the same level.
"Besides, we're already out here. Isn't it great to take a big breath of freedom?" Gon stuck his hand out for Crona to get up.
Crona hesitates and looks up at Gon.
Gon was smiling and waiting patiently with his hand out.
This reminded them of Maka when she stuck her hand out and smiled after their fight. They felt like they were in the same position as that fight.
Their eyes teared up but stopped it by rubbing their eyes with their arm.
They took Gon's hand and stood back up.

"Alright! C'mon let's get in contact with Kurapika!" Killua spoke, continuing to run with the others. "The only way of finding more about this is to ask Kurapika."
"And Kurapika is the key to finding these answers?"

"And maybe you can help us too!" Gon looked back at Crona.
"Mhm! You've stayed with them so maybe you have heard or seen some things before we did. What's your name?"

Crona blinked a few times wondering what they could tell them about the Phantom Troupe.
"It's nice to meet you, Crona! I'm Gon. And this is my best friend Killua!"
Killua got flustered by Gon's words. "That's embarrassing you idiot."
"But it's true!"
"GAHHH just shut up!"

Crona only glared at the two. Although knowing what might happen if they encounter the Troupe again, they liked the feeling of being with these two boys.

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