Chapter 1

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"What do you mean you are pregnant with my husbands kid that makes no sense!?" she said frantically as she failed to believe what she was hearing "I'm sorry Lia its true, since you didn't want to have a child with me I started going out with Alice and well I guess you know what happened.....the reason I came home early is because I want a divorce and you cant change my mind!"

"Don't flatter yourself too much Mason, I don't want to change your mind, so what did you think that I was going to beg you to stay after you cheated on me well think can pack your stuff and get out of here with your new wife Alice Fran-sorry Alice Giovanni" she's doing it again, that fiery character that got him wrapped around her finger when they first met, most women cry when they are hurt....Lia on the other hand raises hell for whoever causes her pain "why would I leave my own house?, you have to leave Lia" as soon as he asked those two questions he regretted it as he saw her face turn into a hardened-stoic expression and he knew that all hell would break loose, but what happened next shocked him she simply said "Okay I'll leave, I hope you have a great life with Ali- Mrs. Giovanni over here"

"Lia don't be crazy, you're still my wife until we get a divorce will you please stop calling her Mrs. Giovanni"- "I'm not your wife anymore, here is the engagement ring you gave me, I'm done with you forever!"

"This ring doesn't belong on my finger anymore, I honestly don't want it as all it reminds me is just how wrong I was about you

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"This ring doesn't belong on my finger anymore, I honestly don't want it as all it reminds me is just how wrong I was about you....what you have done is unforgivable and you will pay dearly.....with time- also put the ring on your new wife's finger I'm sure she has never seen such an expensive ring let alone touched one, might explain why she is going after married men"

"Now I wouldn't want to disturb you guys on your first day of being married so excuse me, I have a lot of work to do-Mason you should receive the divorce papers by the end of the day......I would have already signed them" with that she left the room

"She took that well" Alice said with a slight smile "Trust me that is as bad as it gets she wont show it now but the consequences for what we've done will eventually kick in and when they do we will wish we were never born so don't get too comfortable because Lia Cruz is coming for us-and she is as dangerous as they come!"

Instagram: _taonga_11

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