Chapter 21

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"Well Lia that wasn't very nice considering, you're the one that got divorced between us." Riley scoffed "As much as I would love to continue this I have a son to find." Lia said with a stoic face

"But Riley keep this in mind, I trusted you and you turned on me because of something that someone else put in your head despite you knowing the truth." Lua said as she left the room still connected to an I.V

"Lia wait." Ryan said chasing after her as Mason looked at Riley with a look of disappoint

"Riley wha-"

"Don't act like you aren't going to defend her Mason." She interrupted him "So you actually think you are being logical? Her son is missing and she is a pretty bad shape and you think bringing up past problems is just a small matter right now?" He said with a venomous chuckle

"Who do you think made me come looking for you when you were kidnapped? If you are Lia's bestfriend and you are acting like this right now." He paused "Then I dont want a bestfriend." He began to walk away "and on more thing imagine if Emma was taken and Lia was acting like you. Would you Love yourself?" He concluded walking out in haste steps leaving a guilt ridden Riley alone


"Dad, so what you are telling me is that Lia was kidnapped by a Giovanni, her son was kidnapped by another Giovanni, Alice is dead and while all of this is happening we as the Cruz family are sitting and letting Mason." He chuckled "A biologically born Giovanni find Nate with the help of the Smiths." Damien said humoured

"Damien relax Dad knows what he is doing." Miranda assured him "For the first time Mauricio Cruz doesn't have a plan, isn't funny and surprising." Damien continued "The Man always has a plan but when it comes to the safety of his daughter he goes cold." The smile that was on his face morphed into something sinister

"Mark my words Dad, if we dont step in and help Lia find Nate, one of them will die." Damien said as Mauricio's hand connected with Damien's Face "Watch your tongue I am still your father." Mauricio warned

"Lia is my older sister, you need to stop believing that she can do everything on her own." He paused "If Miranda was in her situation you would run to her because she shows you that she is fragile Lia on the other hand only shows you that she is tough and even though you know she needs you, you turn a blind eye." He said extremely angered

"Damien dont talk to your father like that!" Vanessa spoke up in defence of her husband

"The whole 'faking Lia's death for her sake' was a front, You did that to keep the media from tearing you to shreds instead they felt pity and sympathy for you Dad, and dont say things it was her decision." He paused taking time to compose himself
"If you told her 'Lia honey this isn't a good idea' in that fatherly voice of yours she would have never done it because she trusts your decisions. Mom, Miranda you know I'm right." He said wholeheartedly.

"This is one of the reasons why I didn't want anything to do with Cruz inc., I dont need it." He chuckled "Now excuse me my fiance is waiting for me." He said leaving the house with a smile plastered on his face.

"Damien is Kinda right." Miranda said walking towards the staircase

"Vanessa what do you think? Mauricio said venom lacing his voice "Right now, Lia needs her family, That's one thing that you have to understand." She answered as she gave him a knowing look.

He sighed and walked out of the house. Driving off to destination known only to him.


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