Chapter 18

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"Ryan can you go pick Lia up from Mason's house?" Riley asked in a grouchy voice

"Okay Riley, I'll pass by before work and you know we have to start travelling soon right?" He said wearing his blazer and walking towards the bed as Riley instinctively got up to help him with his tie
"I know but Lia needs me right now, so maybe you go alone." She said saying the last part mostly to herself

"You know the investors won't like that, both of us own the labs and they wont want one half of the owners at the meetings." He said irritated "But Ryan Lia needs me." She retorted

"Whatever for the past few years we have done nothing but chase after Mason and Lia but when you got kidnapped Lia was out making business plans while I had to beg Mason to come find you." He said gripping Riley's hands yanking them off his tie and walking out of their room leaving a dumbfounded Riley

Mason's house

"I'm here to pick Lia up." Ryan said fiercely still angry from the events at his house

"Well she's not here Ryan." Alice said with a smile "She must be at home by now she left earlier today." She continued

"Okay tell Mason I was here." Ryan said walking out the way he came.

Lia's Pov

Here I am in a deserted forest covered in mud and I have a pounding headache and heartache. I suddenly stopped walking when I heard three male voices from a nearby bush.

I crouched down behind a shrub waiting for the men to pass by, it looks like they are selling drugs. I was thinking of a way to get back to my son but hell I dont even know where I am right now. Then I heard someone cocking a gun right at the back of my head.

"Who are you? Are you the police?" One guy asked me "No, I'm not the police, Dumbass." I said regretting it as soon as it left my mouth and the man wasn't too thrilled to hear my answer as he punched me square in the face drawing blood

"Hey smoke, we seem to have a little spy over here." The guy said as his friends  walked up to us towering over me
"Take her to the cabin she might come in handy later on." The older looking man 'smoke' I assume said stroking my cheek as the first guy chuckled and threw me over his shoulder...I couldn't stop thinking about how he was a little too old to be a drug dealer

"Could this get any worse?" I murmured hoping Dad knows what Zeke did to me.


"Hey, Ryan." Riley said stopping him dead in his tracks "I'm sorry, I'll talk to Lia when she gets back we can travel together." She said getting close to him as his eyes became wide "That's great but what do you mean when she gets back, isn't she here?" He asked skeptically

"No she isn't didn't you go pick her up?" Riley asked "When I got there she already left." He retorted "Who told you that?" She added "It was...shit Alice...Alice told me." He said pulling out his phone bringing it up to his ear

On the phone

"Hey uhm Mason where's Lia?" Ryan asked nervously "she's at my house." He replied care free "Alice said she left." Ryan said "Shit....I'm going home right now call Mauricio or something." Mason said before hanging up.

End of phone call

"Call Mau-"

"Hello Mr. Cruz, Riley here is Lia with you?" She asked nervously "No, what did Mason do this time?" He asked getting angry  "Nothing she went out so I thought she was with you." She said and immediately hang up

"Let's go to Mason's house now." Riley said with a look of determination as Ryan simply nodded

At Mason's house

"Where the hell is Alice!?"  Mason yelled at his house staff "And where is Lia Cruz?" He continued

"Sir I saw, Alice and your father force Ms. Cruz into a Van earlier today." One of the maids said "My Dad?" He replied "Yes sir."
Mason immediately called his Dad but there was no response.
"Cedric Call the police and report this, Eric come with me." He said turning to the door only to find an enraged Riley standing there seething at him

"Where is Lia?" Riley said obviously at her breaking point "I don-"
"Dont tell me that crap Mason, I left her here with you so you just have to know." She screamed walking towards him

"Look Riley, Alice and My Dad had something to do with this, I'll find her, I promise." He solemnly said walking out of the house with a fuming Riley behind him


"Okay, I'm Lia Cruz I will give you money just let me go see my son Please." She pleaded "We dont need money, once we sell these drugs we'll be rich but since you know about our business we have to kill you." Smoke chuckled

"No you dont, I wont tell anyone I dont even know you just let me see my son." She repeated her plea "Kendrick take her sonewhere and shoot her square in the brain." He said harshly as another man came to pull Lia off the chair she was sitting on.

Kendrick took Lia to another part of the forest and asked her "So your a millionaire?" He asked "Yeah I guess." She answered fearfully "It must be nice you know living in luxury since childhood, I've heard of your Dad." Kendrick continued

"When I was a teenager my Mom was shot by drug lords and what did I do? I joined one of them. Smoke was always nice to me because he felt guilty for taking my mother away from me." Kendrick said
"Why are you telling me this?" She asked as a pained expression appeared on him

"Because I dont want to take someone's mother away the way I had mine taken away." Kendrick said cocking the gun

"When I fire I want you to Run dont stop till you see the main road, its on the left side of the forest, okay?" He said untying her hands "Okay." She answered skeptically


He fired the gun and Lia ran into the forest, she kept running till it was dark and she stumbled into the road. She was resting next to the road when she heard an approaching car, she managed to stop it and the woman who was driving came out and asked "How did you end up her? What happened to you?" all she said was "Call Mason Giovanni." Before passing out.

" Before passing out

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