Chapter 9

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"You did what?" Zeke seethed at Mason as his Other children Jason and Esther walked in "I sent the signed divorce papers to Lia, I even added a onesie." Mason said with a chuckle

"Anyway, Jason how have you been? And ahh innamorata Esther how is school?" He casually asked his siblings despite being able to feel his father's burning gaze on the back of his head "I'm fine Mason, and you are all over the news." He added "Yes capó all the tabloids have a story about you and Lia." Esther added "Dont mention that wrenched woman in my house." Zeke growled "Except this isnt your house Papà you dont own this house its mine, with all due respect let me live my own life Papà." Mason said wholeheartedly "Excuse me." he added

"Alice can I talk to you?" Mason said as he entered her dimly lit bedroom "Sure" she said with a timid smile

"I know, you know I still Love Lia a lot and I understand  that doesnt sit well with you but I unfortunately cant change the way I feel about her." He paused "The one thing I can promise you is that you will be Mrs. Giovanni oneday.....I will marry you."

"Really?" Alice asked enthusiastically  "will you really marry me?" She inquired " Yes Alice I will, but Im afraid I will never Love you I will marry you for the sake of the child you are carrying Right now, he or she deserves a stable home."  He calmly said  " I'm obviously giving you a chance to decide whether a life of luxury is worth living in a loveless marriage, I'll take my leave now." He said as he started his slow stride to the door when she yanked him back and kissed him then said

"I'll get the wedding plans ready."


"He sent a onesie, he knows Im pregnant." Lia said as she tried to process what this meant "But who told him...I only told you guys and......" "she didnt." Lia said as she stormed out of the study

"Miranda! Miranda!" She yelled angrily as she went downstairs, Kono was at the bottom of the staircase cleaning but Lia just gave her a dismissive glare and she scurried away as Miranda came into view with Emma in hand "Yes Lia, whats up? Did Ryan do something?" She asked worrisome as Riley went over to her and pryed Emma from Miranda's arms and said "We should get going, Lia we'll be back tomorrow, take care." With that Riley and Ryan walked out of Lia's house.

When they were out of sight Lia lost it "you told Mason about me being pregnant didn't you? Lia asked angrily as Miranda began to tremble under her sister's intense stare "He- uhm needed to know Lia, its his child too." She barely whispered  "Miranda that is my decision to make okay, now please leave my house." She retorted as she made her way to the stairs turning for a split second to say "NOW!" Making Miranda scurry out the front door.

The next morning Lia was awakened by Amelia one of her maids telling her that someone came to see her. She hurriedly freshened up putting on a sweatpant and a tank top before walking out of her room and downstairs. She started talking without letting her eyes leave the Marble floor "Riley did you have to come this ear-." She slowly lifted her eyes from the floor with a smile until she saw who was in the living room "What are you doing here?."

"Lia please listen to me." Mason pleaded "Mason Get out." She screamed in his face as the space between them was suddenly filled with Mason trying to get close to Lia
"Just listen to what I have to say, then I promise I'll leave you forever." He said sincerely as the creases that had formed on Lia's face eased out "Okay let's hear it."

"Lia, Im sorry for what I did, I broke all the promises I made to you and to myself  I know we are way past the apologies and the forgiveness but I just wanted to atleast end this marriage on a good note despite the infidelity, we still have to be parents." He said with a hanged head "Hold on , We still have to be parents" she chuckled "you go back home and take care of you future wife and child, my child and I dont need you in our lives. All I ask of you is that you leave us for good." She said in a definite tone "Lia let's be rational here a child needs both a mother and a father, not just a mother." He pleaded "why do you suddenly want to be sincere Mason?" She asked " Because I Love you so much I cant even explain it to you and if I could have it my way I'd unwind everything." "If you took us back in time I would still leave you Mason....Now Get out!" she yelled as his face had one emotion....Regret he looked at her with a look of defeat then walked out of her house.

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