I Need To Read As Much As I Need Air To Breathe

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Kinnick's fight crept up on me quicker than I thought it would. It's now Thursday, and I still didn't have an answer for him. He's been asking all week, bugging me during classes and training. I didn't know why he wanted me there so bad. I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me, but I was afraid.

That didn't stop me from looking forward to the day. For the first time, I didn't regret getting out of bed because I knew I was going to see him. My eyes were open before my alarm went off. Surprisingly, it felt good. Now, I'm shotgun in Chrissy's Jeep, sucking in the good-vibes.

"What got into you?"

Chrissy stared at me oddly, wondering what had me dancing in her passenger seat. It wasn't the music blasting through the speakers that made me move. Honestly, I wasn't sure what had my hips swaying. An indefinite feeling coarse through my veins because I knew I was going to see him.

"I don't know," I giggled. "I feel good."

She nodded, a smile on her lips. Her hand reached for the dial, turning it up as we turned on the highway. Chrissy didn't care about the temperature rapidly dropping. She rolled the windows down in her Jeep because it made her feel alive.

There's nothing more lively than dancing in the car with your best friend, screaming the words to a song you know all of the words to, while cold winds envelopes your body with prickly needles and the morning autumn sun shines down through the sunroof.

This felt like the days before everything went wrong - before my mom died, I was raped, and dad loved me. Genuine happiness crept up on me this morning, and I wasn't going to do anything to push it away. I welcomed it with wide open arms because I deserve this after everything I've been through. I deserve to feel happy at least once.

Chrissy killed the power to her Jeep. We sat next to one another, huffing for a refreshing breath of air but struggled to get one after all of the screaming we partook in during our drive. Our heads rolled on the headrests to look at one another. I started laughing when she smiled.

"I missed that," she admitted. "This doesn't have anything to do with a certain someone, does it?"

Thankfully the cold wind kissed my face, staining it temporarily with a red tint. She couldn't tell I was blushing. My gaze fell to my lap as I bit my lip.

"You don't have to answer that. I can already tell," she smacked my thigh. "When's the wedding?"

I gasped. "Chrissy, we barely know one another."

"Mhm - whatever you say."

She told me about the rager some guy threw on Friday night for the football team's win. Luke was punched by a girl - he kept calling her my name. I rolled my eyes, he'll never understand. According to Chrissy, he voiced his opinion on me not going to the game over a few drinks.

"My brother loves you," she snickers.

I shake my head. "There's something wrong with him."

The second we stepped into the building, I could see Professor Evans down the hall, glaring at us with his arms crossed. It's as if he knew Chrissy and I would be walking in. Unless he can predict our location down to the second, I refused to believe he knew we were coming. What if he has been standing there this whole time, waiting for us to come through the doors? Weirdo.

He turned around, scoffing at us, walking into the room as the door slammed shut behind him. Zach is going to kill us. I can feel it. I can feel the hatred oozing from the classroom door.

"Somebody's pissed off," Chrissy snickers.

I gulped, looking at the pale wooden door. "Why do you think he is mad?"

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