I'd Have To Record It Spread It On The Internet And Then I'd Be Famous

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Kinnick insisted on walking me home. It had something to do with making him feel better or whatever - I forgot what he said because I couldn't hear his mumbling, so I agreed. I told him about the pocket-knife in my backpack and how safe it would keep me on my walk home. He asked that I demonstrate how I'd use it - I failed to open it. Actually, I dropped it, and we've been searching for it for the past twenty minutes.

"It's gone," I huffed. "I'll just buy a new one."

"How about mace?" He suggests with a hint of humor on the tip of his tongue. "You can hook it to your keys since you carry them around everywhere. It'd be easier to access."

"If my personal chauffeur - would it be chauffeur if we're walking? Don't you have a truck? I hate making you walk if you have a vehicle. That's selfish of me - we could have taken your truck."

"I get to spend more time with you if we walk."

"Well," I take a deep breath. "Okay, then."

We continued down the sidewalk to my house. I noticed how our pace gradually slowed the closer we grew.

"Come to my fight tomorrow."

"I don't want to see you lose," I roll my eyes to focus on the ground. "It'd be pretty embarrassing for you, to lose for the first time, in front of not only this stranger but all of the people attending. Why would I want to see that? I'd have to record it, spread it on the internet, and then I'd be famous -"


My cheeks flush with heat. "Sorry - I was rambling, wasn't I? I do that sometimes when I'm nervous or under pressure. For some reason, you make me nervous but safe, and I think you're cute -"

I didn't expect him to grab my trembling hand, but he did. "I think you're pretty cute too."

I squint my eyes at him and snatch my hand away from his hold. "And I think I am going to speed this walk-up."

"You don't enjoy the cold?"

"It doesn't whip me into a verbal frenzy."

A smirk grew on his plump lips. "I'd say otherwise."

I smacked his chest and watched as he rubbed over it with mock hurt. "Why do you want me to go to this fight so badly?"

"You've never been to one," he cocked a brow. "It'd rock your world -"

"That's what she said," I smacked my hand over my mouth. "Sorry - long day."

He laughed, shaking his head. He must have noticed my embarrassment because he was quick to switch the subject - something he's great at. Suddenly, we were talking about training and how John hasn't stopped asking Kinnick if I will be there tomorrow.

The boxer asked me to bring my workout clothes tomorrow. It would be easier than driving back to my house, so he says anyway. And if I didn't have a place for them to go, I could put them in his truck.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bookworm," he stops in front of my house. "What's your last class tomorrow?"

I pull the schedule from my back pocket. "Ethics."

"I'll meet you there after class," he nods, walking away just as Chrissy jumps from her Jeep.

"Girl!" She throws her hands in the air. "Did Kinnick Carson walk you home?"

"Yes," I say as I watch him jog down the street.

"Holy shit!"

"Why do you act like this is news?"

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