Please Stay Awake - Don't Leave Me

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"Kinnick Carson."

I didn't need to turn around to see Seth. My head fell back against the truck door. A ragged sigh left my mouth because I knew what was getting ready to happen. It has happened before. He wasn't the only person to corner me in an alleyway.

Throughout my life, I have made many enemies. I had war with people I've never met before because of things they heard about me. Everyone wanted a crack at hurting me. They wanted me to understand I was touchable.

When I turned around, I didn't expect to see people standing with him. I was outnumbered by three, but I wasn't going to lock myself inside of my truck and call 911 because this is 911. I've seen their faces several times on the streets.

"You're making a mistake," I stepped towards them. "I know all of you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you're going to do, make it count."

I saw the nightsticks in their hand and was fully aware of what the plan was. So, I pulled the brass knuckles from my bag in the hatch of my truck and tried to prepare myself for what was going to happen.

Seth stepped forward first with his weapon in hand. I caught it as it flung toward me and hit him in the face. Through the brass on my fingers, I could feel his jaw snap. I could hear it too. Then I felt the pain in my back as they struck me. My elbow collided with someone behind me long enough for me to get the advantage, but the collision with my leg dropped me.

"I told you what would happen if you didn't listen," his foot collided with my back.

I swept his leg out from underneath him, watching as he dropped below me. "I'm a criminal, Seth. I don't follow the rules."

I climbed on top of him as his friends tried pulling me off. A nightstick collided with my side. I could feel something snap. I did whatever I could to stop from showing pain. So, I let my hands hit anything they could. I delivered each hit, ruthlessly. I heard them let out cries of pain.

Then I heard a click, and a cool metal was shoved against my head. "Now, I'm going to watch as they beat the shit out of you. Do you hear me?"

He pulled the gun back from my head and smacked me with it. His friends shoved me to the ground. They delivered kicks to my body. Each one of them harder than the last. And I could do nothing as I laid, a waiting target, on the ground.

They pulled me to my feet, attempting to hold my body as it stumbled back and forth. I couldn't stand without wincing. He threaded his fingers through my hair, yanking at it so I would look him in the eyes.

"I won't hesitate to kill you," he looked me in my eyes. "Keep your distance."

I watched him walk away. The pain pulsating through my body made me collapse against the wall. The collision made me bite down on my lip as my back slid down the brick, pressing against the places they kicked me in. Every ounce of strength I once had has been drained. I can't find the ability to move.

I could see shadows entering the alleyway which made me believe they were back. My hands flattened against the pavement, attempting to lift myself but I couldn't find the momentum. I fell back down onto the ground below me.


The broken voice made my heart twinge. Bo dropped to her knees in front of me, with tears welling in her eyes as she stared at me. Her soft hands cupped my cheeks, catching the warm liquid pouring down my face. I could see the blood glistening on her fingers.

I tried speaking to her, but I didn't know what to say. I didn't have an excuse this time. There was no way to explain what happened. She looked over my body, tears falling rapidly from her eyes.

"Bo?" John came around the corner, finding us pressed against the building. "What the fuck?"

"John, take her home."

"No!" She screamed. "What happened?"

My trainer looked at me with concern. He wanted to know who did they. They both did. John knew I wouldn't go down without a fight. He knew I wouldn't fight somebody without knowing exactly who it was. But the only thing I was concerned about was Bo.

As much as I wanted her to leave, she stayed. No matter how many times I pleaded with John to take her away, he refused, and she protested. I didn't want her to see me so weak. She would think I'm not able to protect myself. And if I can't protect myself, then I can't protect her.

"We need to get you to the hospital," she cried.

"Baby," I sucked in a deep breath at the pain shooting through my side. "I'm okay."

I couldn't listen to her sob. It made my heartbreak. My arms circled her body, trying to comfort her to the best of my ability. She didn't need to worry so much. This isn't the first time I've experienced something like this. The only difference is this time was worst.

"I'll grab the car." John grabbed keys from his pocket. "Stay here."

"Oh, totally."

He pinched his nose. "Sorry, my bad."

"John, go get the car." Bo flipped around, snapping at him. "Kinnick, we're going to get you help."

"I don't need to go to the hospital," I tried being convincing. "I'm okay."

"I'm going to help you stand up," she stood to her feet.

It took seeing the blood all over her clothes to realize how much I was losing. John's headlights flashed into view. He stepped out of the car to help me stand to my feet, but I don't want Bo to think I couldn't move on my own. While my chest felt like it was on fire, and every bone in my body ached - I stood up. Every breath I saved was stolen, just like that.

She opened the backdoor to John's car, asking that I lie down. When the door shut at my feet, I let out a ragged breath. Bo climbed into the passenger seat, ripping off her hoodie and insisting I use it for the blood pouring from whatever gash is on my face.

She tapped my face. "I need you to stay awake. Please, stay awake. Don't leave me."

While lamp-post lights flashed overhead, I felt myself slipping out of consciousness. Bo's hand held mine as she begged me to stay awake. The heaviness in my eyes was a weight my eyelids never felt. It felt impossible to keep them open.

"Kinnick!" She cried out. "Please!"

I am not leaving you, I promise, but everything went dark. 

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