Chapter six.

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"Sksjfnfkjsjff," Jisung rolled off the couch in the dressing room, tumbling to the dirty floor as excitement wafted off of him like a stench, "I can't believe this is our first concert in Amercia!"

"It'll be our last if you keep behaving like a toddler on a sugar high," Changbin thwacked him over the head when he jumped back up to his feet, "they won't want us back."

"Our Stay would never-"

"No, I'm talking about the venues and their staff. You're gonna end up breaking shit and then nowhere will be willing to let us perform on their stages." Binnie smirked at Jisung's horrified expression, already sagging down into a chair that just so happened to have Chan already sitting in it.

Chan groaned at the sudden weight, but didn't push him off. He just shimmied a little to get more comfortable, already looking back at his phone.

"My seat." I, however, growled as I shoved the younger of the two off of where my butt was supposed to be. "Stay off of my property." Changbin scoffed, but chuckled and instead sat down beside us on what used to be my chair.

With Chan's lap empty, I happily plopped down on it sideways and cuddled into Chan's neck so that I could smell his familiar scent and watch the video on his phone at the same time. My knees curled up into my chest as his arm wrapped around me to stop me from falling off. "Oh," I mumbled after realising what he was watching, "is that our performance in Germany?"

"Yeah, I was going through to see if we messed up anywhere, but I think we're good so far." Right as Chan finished his sentence, the clip zoomed in on Hyunjin so that our attention was incidentally focused on the hair extensions he had in at the time subtly but aggressively smacking Jisung in the face when they went to swap positions. I winced.

"Okay, boys!" Our manager hyung clapped his hands to get our attention, most likely saving Hyunjin the Eyebrows of Disappointment™ from Chan. "Since it's way hotter than we originally anticipated, your stage outfits were swapped last minute. They should fit, but get changed now just in case we need to adjust anything."

I sighed quietly, already dreading to see the outfits. Winter was always better than Summer in my opinion, since we could wear baggier, thicker clothes that helped me hide my figure. "Channie hyung," I groaned when I felt him shift so that he could stand up, "please don't make me get up. My legs don't work anymore."

He chuckled at me, shaking his head with a fond smile as I sunk further down into his torso and gave him my best puppy-eyes. "What do you want me to do, then?"

My eyes lit up. "Carry me?"

Hyunjin snickered from behind us, used to my antics. I just ignored him and batted my eyelashes charmingly at Chan.

After a few seconds, he sighed, still smiling faintly, and started standing up. "Hold onto my neck."

I cheered as I slung my arms around him, but my grin disappeared the second the staff held out our new outfits.

The shirt that was being held out for me was black velvet and had more mesh, see-through panels than it had actual fabric. It was button-up and had a massive transparent panel on the back that would wrap around to my entire left side, which would mean my bandages would be noticeable and extremely obvious. There was a small rectangle of black fabric underneath the mesh over my nipple meant to hide it, but my stomach and the outline of my waist/hips would still be completely visible.

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I was brought out of my stupor by Chan's familiar, comforting voice

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I was brought out of my stupor by Chan's familiar, comforting voice. "Lix, you alright? I can feel your heart pounding through your hoodie." His arms tightened around me, but I just forced a tight, pathetic smile and squirmed slightly.

"Y-yeah, I just... don't think I'm comfortable showing so much skin..." My voice was soft, but I managed to keep it steady.

"Are there any backup outfits?" Chan, ever so caring, asked the staff. They only shook their heads, looking down with guilty expressions. He sighed and thought for a second before speaking up again, this time to me. "I can go check with the other members to see if they're comfortable swapping, or you can take mine-"


Both our heads snapped to our manager, who was frowning whilst staring at me. "Your fans have been begging to see more of Felix ever since you guys started talking about his abs in interviews. They're getting bored of seeing him always wearing baggy clothes and jackets, it's time to show a little skin."

"B-but hyung, I-"

-- Apparently we're switching to 3rd person pov for a hot minute, apologies folks. It just sorta happened --

"Why did you become an idol if you weren't willing to do things out of your comfort zone? You have to do things you aren't comfortable with to stay interesting. If your fans aren't surprised and interested, they won't bother keeping up with Stray Kids and you will drag the whole group down." When the man saw Felix's glossy eyes, which the boy promptly hid by shoving his face into Chan's chest, he sighed and rubbed his temples. "Felix, I'm not trying to be harsh, but you have the body to wear something like this. Why won't you?"

Under the man's exasperated gaze, Felix squirmed. Guilt crawled into his pores, working its way throughout his body until he was trembling. He was dragging the group down? That was the one thing he had promised himself he would never do. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, but he squeezed them shut to stop his emotions getting the best of him as he shoved out of Chan's comforting embrace so that he was standing.

His legs shook, weak with guilt-induced nausea as he kept his head down and his quivering hands behind his back. "I'm sorry, hyung. I'll wear the shirt. I didn't mean to make such a fuss." He bowed deeply, stepping forwards to take the shirt and quickly grabbing his own bag from the room before he scampered away to the bathroom, not giving anyone in the room time to even comprehend what had happened or try to stop him.

"That was uncalled for." Chan glared at their manager with furious eyes, voice cold and unnerving. "Don't you ever try to force one of my members into doing something they're not comfortable with again."

The man gaped at the audacity the younger male had to speak to his elder like that, spluttering in surprise. "I'm your hyung, how dare you speak to me like that! Respe-"

"Respect is earned, not given; and it's certainly not demanded." With that, Chan turned around and walked back over to his gawking members, muttering something to them about getting ready whilst he looked for Felix.


A/N Not proofread - and also not planned. What was originally chapter six is still sitting in my drafts, but it's probably going to be chapter eight or possibly even chapter nine now. Whacky, I know.

Goddamnit, that means that I have to go through my prewritten chapters and change all their titles- dmkjgikjdflskcmks I hate myself.

Anyways, never ever bind with bandages or tape please please pretty please and always bind safely, never for more than 8 hours, never when exercising, don't wear a binder too small for you, idk what else to put but if anyone wants me to write about the do's and dont's of binding, lemme know (or you can just google it, idk)

Thanks for reading, ily guys

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