Escape (once again)

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I am so insanely happy that my book got so many views!! (and people actually LIKE it)!

After Piper hugged everyone goody-goody, she repeated the question she felt like she had asked 100 times. "What happened?"

Annabeth smiled sympathetically, "We got attacked by Tatarus. You got kidnapped by the snow princess, and lost your memory. You should thank Clovis."

"Wait," Piper's mind whirled around, "Tatarus? You mean the guy who holds all the worst monsters and stuff?" Annabeth and Percy nodded solemnly. Jason butted in, "I can explain!"

Piper sat on the roof on Cabin 1 leaning against Jason as she felt the wind ruffle her hair. Just because Luke was gone and she had her memory wiped, doesn't mean she necessarily forgave him. Piper guessed he knew that. The awkward silence that hushed the two teens made her feel uneasy. "So.." so much for starting a conversation, she stared at the evening sky. "How do we defeat him?" Jason sighed, "Apparently, you're the hero who's supposed to save the day." he gripped her hand, "But we'll be behind you every step of the way." Piper smiled, "Thanks." she turned her attention back to the tiny splash of stars that dotted the sky. Soon, she was asleep on Jason's shoulder. She could feel him gently lift her up and carry her back to her cabin, her bed. As his footsteps faded away, Piper drifted into a nightmare.

The ground was soaked with blood as Piper was the only one left standing. She was holding her dagger in one hand, and a silver sword in the other. Her friends lay scattered around her, all being claimed by Hades. She gasped and fell to her knees, for an intense pain was nagging her shoulder. She quickly shot a look to see an arrow embedded in her flesh. The pain and anger caused her to waver, but allowed Piper to stand back up. This way, a faint voice called. She turned and saw a floating woman whose face was covered by a shadow, unable to be seen. The woman was dressed in white silk, which seemed to give her a small glow. She was floating next to a ball of pure white energy, and beckoned to Piper again. She stumbled towards the woman and she stepped on foot into the ball of energy. As soon as she did, Piper could feel her body melting. You have not been deemed worthy, the fates have cut your string. The underworld awaits. Then, Piper woke in cold sweat.

"Good morning!" Leo called, waving a wrench while fidgeting with some blowtorches. Piper tried to smile genuinely. "Morning!" She turned away quickly, making the excuse that she forgot to water the carnivorous strawberries. As soon as she was out of Leo's sight, she let out a loose sob. Piper remembered Leo lying dead in the dream and she felt her knees buckle. "Are you ok?" Jason appeared from behind her and placed his arms on her shoulders.

"I'm fine." Piper murmured.

"You sure?"

"Yes." she squeaked, unable to look at her friend in fear that she might get flashbacks. "Ok." Jason flashed her one last uncertain glance and headed off. She took a deep breath and watered the roots of the strawberries. She thought about what she had dreamed about. Should she look in her dagger? Piper shuddered in fear that she might get the same image, since everything Katoptris showed was true. Her mind when spiraling out of control and she thought of the most bizarre idea. It was time to run away again.

>:) Good luck processing Piper's thoughts

Piper Mclean Commander of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now