The Wedding

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Sorry for the long wait!!! Also, this is for all those Percabeth lovers out there!!

A few days later, Annabeth woke up again. "So who was the person who told you Piper wasn't dead?" Jason asked, bobbing around her. 

She scratched her head, "I don't remember saying anything like that." 

His heart fell, of course, no one could bring back the dead. He had been optimistic for no reason. 

"Are you ok?" Annabeth asked, "You look like you hadn't slept in days." 

Jason mustered a smile. "No, I'm fine." and walked away. The truth was, he couldn't sleep due to the excitement. He cast a glance back at Annabeth, did she have mind reading powers or something? Shaking his head he went back to his bunk and sobbed into his pillow.

5 years later....

Jason brushed the dust off his clothing. He was 21 now, and the marriage was about to begin. 

He hurried outside and saw Percy, looking totally disgusted at the newly made tuxedo he was wearing. Jason gave him a small nod, and Percy sighed. 

They still hadn't forgotten about Piper, but the camp seems to have not a single trace left of her. Piper's bunk had been cleaned out, and replaced with a new child. 

The memory of Aphrodite's curse that seemed to always somehow distract Jason had completely left his mind. Shaking his head, he went to go find Annabeth.

The blond-haired girl seemed dangerous, even in her wedding dress. The white dress was thin, sweeping near her feet. Annabeth's hair was down, and actually brushed, Jason thought with a snicker. He sat down and quietly watched as the wedding progressed. 

Someone reached for his hand and took it in her lap. Jason looked up to see Drew, giving him a full smile. 

Jason removed his hand from her lap, "I'm not getting a new girlfriend." he grumbled. 

"That's a shame." Drew said, "Piper did ask you to move on. You should obey her words." 

Jason shook his head, "I decide what I do." 

Drew let out something that sounded like a growl and turned away. The wedding passed in a flash once Jason's thoughts arose to Piper. 

He liked to go over the memories of Piper in his head, but never too often, the grief and sadness might peek out. 

Once the wedding was over, Jason found himself staring at the river, the way the demigods defeated Tartarus. It showed triumph, and also, despair. 

Annabeth never really healed. The small but deep scar on her back was a painful reminder of when she was stabbed by her own knife. 

And well Piper? 

Piper never came back. 

This feels like the shortest chapter I've ever written. (You may not know it but I am currently raging)

Peace ma dudesss

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