The Search for Piper

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I shivered, the CHB T-shirt can only help you so much. It was ripped and my face was coated with dried blood. Teeth chattering, I stumbled a little further with absolutely no idea where I was going. After who knows how long, I saw a house in the distance. Literally crying with joy, I ran towards the house. Knocking on the door a young woman answered. "Please help." I murmured. She gasped and slapped the door in my face. I don't blame her, considering how I looked now, I'm sure I would have acted the same way. Shaking my head I staggered to the back of her house. Snatching up the cooling bread from the window, I stuffed it in my mouth and continued my way to nowhere in particular.

Jason's POV

"Piper's gone, I need to organize a search party right NOW." Chiron took one look at me and sighed, "Ok, but only take two people with you. Who knows what the Fates will bring." I nodded and hurried to shout Leo and Percy up. I told them about the quest while they listened. Leo fidgeted with something that looked a lot like a bomb, while Percy was fingering his armor. They both agreed immediately and I smiled. Percy paid one last visit to Annabeth before we left. She smiled sadly and waved as we were off, on foot to rescue Piper. When we finally reached Khione's palace Percy jumped off Blackjack and fed him a donut. 

"Dude, can horses even eat those things?" Leo asked while feeding his mechanical pegasus some oil mixed with Tabasco sauce. 

"Man, it's totally normal." Percy replied, "And Blackjack's a pegasus, not a horse." Blackjack whined in agreement. "And is it safe for that thing to eat Tabasco sauce?" He pointed at Leo's pegasus, which he named "Happy". Leo folded his arms, "Dude, Festus ate this all the time. Does he seem ok?" 

"Ok guys, enough." I grumbled and shoved the two boys away from each other. "We're here to find Piper, and only that." I pointed at the ice palace, "Now, who's up for a palace raid?"

Piper's POV

Piper leaned against a tree, thankful for the cool midnight breeze. She heard talking, and the scrap of swords. Quietly, she got up and tip-toed towards the sound. Peeking over, she saw some mortals, they were holding daggers of ice but had no battle armor. Piper furrowed her brows, they must be people working for Khione, she thought. The daggers, that icy girl must have sent them to kill me. Piper frowned, impressed, not everyday did you get to die in luxury. She snickered and froze. The men had heard her. Damn it. Piper sighed and walked out, hoping her charmspeak would work she commanded, "Get outta HERE!" The men froze and slowly moved. Piper let out a breath of relief, but quickly panicked when she saw that the mortals were running at her. Grabbing her knife she had received back at Khione's palace, she slashed at their legs. Grunting, the guy at the back collapsed, knocking the others down like human dominoes. Piper smiled and twirled her knife. Picking up the ice daggers she laughed, turned, and walked away. 

Looking at the new weapons she had, Piper quickly caught some food and with some stones, she made a fire. As the smoke swirled into the air, she gazed longingly into the dark sky dotted with stars. She wished for her home, for her friends, and for her dad. Slowly Piper fell asleep with the dreams that everything would become normal again. Naturally, she was wrong.

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