October 21st 2014

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Usually at intersections you don't have to wait; seeing as hardly anyone is alive now. But at this particular one, we had to stop, because an R.V came screeching past us. Everyone, including me didn't say anything. We just watched the R.V disappear down the road. We look at where it came from.

"Should we check it out?" Hudson asked.

"I don't know." Winter said from the backseat.

"They were doing like 200kms/h." Luis butted in

"What if they left people behind?" I asked. Hudson looked at me; frowning.

"We should at least make sure." He said. I nodded in agreement, positioning the gun at my feet so it was easy to grab if need be. Hudson turned into the street they zoomed down. I looked from either side of the street; trying to find the place they were fleeing from. Everyone must've spotted it at the same time; because Hudson began to slow down as we got to a big gate with TEXAN GARDENS above it. The gate was open.

"What were they doing here?" I mumbled. I felt my hand move to the door handle and open it, before I even realised what I was doing.

"Is it safe?" Hudson asked.

"I don't know." I said looking around. I picked up my gun and walked forward. I turned to see no one was joining me. I just shrugged and looked back the gate. I took a deep breath and peered in. I covered my nose once the smell of rotten bodies hit me. The grounds of the gardens were covered in Walkers. Every now and then I would see a burst of colour. I could see up the back, a woman in a long red dress was face down, while 3 Walker kneeled next to her, feeding. I gulped, looking elsewhere. From what I could see there was maybe 5-6 people previously alive on the ground. This was a blood bath. There were no survivors left behind; there couldn't have been. It was pointless. I turned; walking back to the car. Hudson opened the door for me, letting me in.

"What's up?" he asked. I sighed, picking the leaves off my boots.

"A lot of dead Walkers, 5 - 6 dead people." I shuddered. "They - they were wearing formal stuff - like they were in the middle of a celebration?"

"A birthday?" Winter asked.

"No, like really formal." I said.

"Maybe a wedding?" Luis butted in. "But who would risk it?"

"I would." Hudson laughed. I looked at him smiling slightly. "Come on, they would've been in love."

"Still it's so dangerous." Winter said.

"You wouldn't know." I smiled at her.

"I would actually." She mumbled just as Hudson started up the car.

"What?" I laughed.

"Yeah what?" Luis smiled at her.

"Someone in this group has kind of - caught my fancy." She had gotten really shy, her voice so quiet we could hardly hear her.

"Who?" I asked. She stared at me, not blinking. Hudson pulled out onto the road again and resumed driving.

"I don't want to say." She whispered.

"Just tell me." I smiled.

"I can't tell anyone." She smiled painfully, her eyes twitching. "Especially you Em." I looked over at Hudson, who looked at me worryingly. "No, no, no, no." she shouted. "It's not Hudson." I sighed in relief.

"Then who?" I said realising I already knew the answer. "Oh." I looked at my wrists. She fancies Joe.

"I won't act on it -"

"Winter - I - I don't care." I fought through how uncomfortable I was. "I love Hudson."

"I know; but you liked Joe." She said.

"No - no I didn't." I interrupted.

"Juts admit it Emmy." Hudson interjected. "It's okay." I took a deep breath and stared out of front windscreen. Maybe I should just say it; make them happy. They seem to know me more than myself.

"Fine. I liked Joe." I said. I paused, frowning. That felt natural. It felt genuine. Maybe it was genuine. Maybe I just had to say it out loud. I tucked my hair behind my ear, still looking out the window. "I liked Joe." I repeated. It clicked. They may be right; I might've liked Joe. "That's - that's the reason I was so heartbroken when he let me leave." I said aloud on accident. "He didn't even say goodbye." I looked at Hudson, who was watching the road. His face was calm but his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel too tightly. "But then 10 days later I met another man. He was older, wiser, and handsomer then I was. He had, luscious brown hair with brown eyes that he knows I adore." I saw his face relax. "He talked to me about many things, a lot I didn't know what he was talking about. But I listened and learned about his likes and dislikes, his pasts' stories and adventures. I saw that he was perfect so I fell in love with him. Then I found out he definitely wasn't perfect, and I loved him even more." I finished, smiling sweetly at him. "So if that answers your question, I liked Joe, but I never loved him like I love you Hudson."

"I love Grace." Luis blurted out. I scoffed, turning around.

"What?" I laughed.

"I love her; it's quite ridiculous actually, I've known her for a month." He huffed, pressing the heel of his palms into his eyes. "But I love her."

"Does she know?" Hudson giggled. I smiled when I heard the excitement in his voice. I had noticed Luis and Hudson hanging out a lot; he treats him like a little brother. That's why I love Hudson, he accepts everyone. Even Joe.

"For a while now." He laughed.

"And?" Winter smiled awkwardly.

"I would never kiss and tell." He smirked. "But she's head over heels for me." I turned and grinned at him. It's so nice to hear Luis happy, he's been down lately because of the loss of Estella, they were good friends.

"Congrats man." Hudson said hitting the steering wheel with his palm.

"Wow." I mumbled, making Hudson glance at me. "Everything's working out."

"It sure is -" Hudson slammed the brakes, just stopping before he hit a man standing in front of the car, his arms held up. The other car behind us unfortunately didn't get a warning that we were braking, so they slammed into the back of our car. Luckily it wasn't too hard, nobody would've been hurt. "What the hell." Hudson added, grabbing the gun from behind him, tucked into his jeans. He got out, holding it up at the man. I also got out, pointing my rifle at the tall man. He wore a suit, and I instantly assumed he was from the TEXAN GARDENS massacre. Joe, Grace and a limping Wren joined us from the other car, all holding guns.

"Don't - don't shoot! I - I - I'm Beau - Beau Macintosh, I need your help." He stuttered holding his hands up in defeat.

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