August 23rd 2014

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"How's your throat?" Winter said shaking me. I opened my eyes and had to close them again because of the sun. "Oh sorry." She said moving into the light to block it from my eyes so I could open them. I looked at her and noticed the black shading on her face. "It's okay," she saw me staring at her face, "It's just dirt from the fire."

"How is everybody?" I croaked. My voice was husky and it hurt to talk.

"Well, I am fine, so is Luis, Joe has a burn on his leg and James is barely breathing." She said casually.

"Wh - what?" I stuttered.

"Well, Joe was pretty mad -"

"He beat him up. Didn't he?" I mumbled. She nodded and I looked around. "Wait, where are we?"

"In a tent." She said. A tent. "We couldn't find a secure enough house so we took to the woods."

"Isn't a tent dangerous though?" I asked.

"We've set up noise trap all around us so if a Walker bumps one, we'll hear." She assured me. "They boys are on watch."

"I think I need to get up now."

"You should rest." She interrupted. "You had a really big night."

"So did you." I smiled. "I'm fine please." She sighed and stood, opening the door for me.

"I'm not one to tell you what to do." She mumbled. I stood up slowly, avoiding a head rush; and walked out the door of the tent. When she said woods she really meant it. Tall trees surrounded us, their trunk almost black and their leaves vibrant green. It made our bright orange tent stand out a lot. All trees were so close together, the furtherest apart would be 5 metres. I smiled slightly; it was nice to be out of the house. But now we are in constant danger, always having got look behind our shoulder. I spotted Joe leaning up against a tree, holding his gun facing the ground. He was facing the other way, so he couldn't see me sneak up on him. Every step I took closer to him my first curled more into a ball. I knew what I was going to do, and I couldn't seem to stop myself. I reach him and grab his left shoulder with my left hand and swing him round, bringing up my right fist and making contact with his jaw. He throws his face to the left, landing on the ground of his hands and knees.

"Emmy!" Luis called, obviously seeing what I just did.

"You said you wouldn't touch him." I spat. "You made a deal."

"He tried to kill us." Joe said looking up; his lip was split and bleeding.

"He tried to escape. He left the back door unlocked for you."I yelled.

"Emmy, be quiet." Luis said running over to me.

"You're a horrible human be -" Luis cut me off by grabbing my mouth with his hand, preventing me to talk. Joe got up, touching his lip. Winter ran over and gasped, seeing the blood.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Emmy punched him." Luis said rather calmly. I scratched at Luis's hand, but he didn't let go. "Stop." He told me.

"Let her go. I want to hear what she has to say." Joe said. Luis released me.

"You're a filthy person."

"I told you that you could leave." He interrupted.

"I know; but we never could. Could we?" I asked, not wanting an answer. He would just lie anyway and said we could. "You're only concerned for your own safety. You stole my car so you could get away. You tricked me by saying Luis was behind me so you could get away. You beat up James because he nearly killed you. You don't care about anyone but yourself."

"Are you done?"

"No. What would possess a person to act like you have? Just because the world is ending and we have limited time left doesn't give you a free pass to be an ultimate asshole. You don't see Winter being one. Or James. Or me. Have I ever tried to kill you? No really. Think about it. Every time I have raised my gun at you, I have put it down. In the car. When I found you. When I tried to escape. You beat up James for asking for safety. Yes I know you did, he showed me his bruise. If anyone deserves to die around here it's you." I finished on a bold statement. He was silent, just looking at me blankly. Same with Winter and Luis; they didn't say anything. "Well?"

"There's nothing for me to say." Joe muttered. "There's just one thing you're wrong about. All those things I have done to protect myself have benefited someone else in the near future. I stole your car; it not only saved your ass form the fire but everyone else's. Running from you t meet you on the street, I stopped you from getting away with the car; again the vehicle that saved your life. I hit James because he pulled a knife on me. Don't believe me?" he pulled up his sleeve to show a half infected cut up his forearm. "He posed a threat to not only me but everyone in the house. If he killed me and left me dead in that room and ran, what would happen if you go up stairs and get attacked by me in Walker form? We don't carry weapons around the house. I want to survive Emmeline, but don't you dare say all I care about is myself. I'll go get myself killed then we'll see how long you survive. Nearly the whole world is dead but you're still alive. Remember that and think about who to thank for that. Cause it's certainly not you who gave yourself a bed, food and a gun." he finished, looking away to the tree next to him. I stared at him; trying not to agree with what he just said; even though I do.

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