September 14th 2014

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I've been sitting on this porch since sunrise, thinking about my old group. Now that I've met this one I miss the other so much more. I guess while driving to the farm, I never truly believed I was going. But I've met Ruby, and Hudson, and it's finally coming around to me that I won't see them again. I just have to forget them, or like Ruby implied I will never survive.

"How was your first night?" Grace sat down next to me. She couldn't be older than 16.

"It was - interesting." I smiled slightly at her. "I've got a question."

"Shoot." She grinned.

"Has - Ruby - ever asked someone to stay away from Hudson?" I asked.

"Um, I think she told a girl once." She looked out at the paddocks, squinting slightly because of the sun.

"Where is she?" I asked. She looked back at me and pursed her lips. "Oh." She's dead. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see a very clean looking Hudson smiling down at me.

"Fence clearing time." He laughed. I stood, dusting the dirt off my bum and smiled at him.

"Okay; see you later Grace." I smiled nervously at her. I followed him down the front path and onto the grass.

"Okay; continue." He said without looking at me.

"With?" I asked.

"The James story." He laughed. I can't. If I tell him more about it, he'll want to talk to me more, maybe in front of Ruby. I can't risk my place at this farm for him.

"I can't." I said trying to sound casual. He stopped walking, making me stop abruptly too.

"What do you mean you can't?" he asked.

"I just - can't." I continued to walk down the slight hill. The dew on the grass was wetting the top of my socks sticking above my shoes.

"Did my sister say something to you?" he resumed walking as well.

"What? Why would you think that?" my voice went high.

"Because you're saying you can't, not you don't want to." he mumbled.

"Your sister has -"

"Don't lie to me." he said.

"Your sister has -" I stopped and looked at him. He looked hurt, like he knew I was lying to him. "Something to do with it."

"I knew it." he said sitting down. I frowned, lookin him at the ground. Did we have to sit down? The ground was wet. I stood awkwardly next to him. "Sit down." He said making me drop to the ground.

"She told me to stay away from you." I said as I began to feel the water seep through my pants.

"But she put you on clearing the fence duty?" he sighed.

"I think she's testing me." I said turning to look back at the house. I wasn't shocked to see Ruby sitting there watching us. "And she's on the porch."

"Watching us?" he asked not turning around.

"Yes." I laughed.

"Don't freak out." He said leaning in and planting his lips on mine. I kept my eyes open; in utter shock. What was he doing? He pulled away and smiled at me, peering at the porch.

"Did I miss something?" I asked touching my lips.

"Sorry - just wanted to piss her off." He laughed.

"Yeah but now I'm going to get in trouble." I said standing.

"Just say I kissed you and you told me to back off." He said joining me. I frowned at him and he put his hands on my shoulders. "I'll back you up." He smiled slightly at me, waiting for me to smile back. I let my lips curve upwards, but only a little. He then turned and begun to walk to the fence again. I followed him in silence, until he stopped and faced me again, frowning.

"What?" I asked him.

"I just realised, our first kiss was fake." He crossed his arms, waiting for my response.

"Our first kiss?" I laughed. "So you think they'll be others?"

"Oh definitely." He was being serious; well at least I think he was. "There's no way you could resist me."

"That's true." I joked. "You have so many good qualities."

"I know." He nodded. "Better than any of your ex's. Better than Jeremiah."

"Joseph." I laughed.

"Oh that's right." He laughed; but in a fake way. He meant to get his name wrong, and I didn't care.

"And he wasn't my ex." I whined.

"Wait." He grabbed my arm. "So you're still together."

"Ha ha." I shouted in his face. "Why do you keep bringing him up?" we reached the 3m high fence and I pulled my dagger out, no intention of using it.

"I just - don't believe you." He said plunging his knife into the skull of a woman Walker. Once limp he pushed her off the fence and onto the grass.

"You don't know me." I smiled.

"Yes I do." He said. I doubted that; he'd known me for less than 24 hours.

"Okay, who am I?" I asked.

"You're a girl, a very pretty girl, who is skilful and braves but neglects to show it. Also you think I'm very attractive." He smirked at me, while stabbing another Walker.

"Basically all true." I laughed. He stood and motioned me over to the fence, but I didn't move.

"I can't do all the work." He scoffed.

"I'm not comfortable."

"I'll help you." He held out his hand, and I clutched it. He pulled me to him and grabbed my hand with the dagger in it. He stood behind me like you would while teaching someone to golf. "Okay, line it up."

"I know how to do it." I sighed. I felt sick, like I was going to vomit.

"Just, do what I say." He requested. "Gosh." He lined my hand up for me and pushed, plunging the dagger into the head of a man Walker, stuck and rather cut up in the barb wire. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the Walker hit the floor. "You did it." he smiled. I opened my eyes and turned to look at him.

"Thank you." I smiled politely at him. And that's why I had no feelings for Joe; he never did anything like that. I promised Ruby I would obey all her rules, but I will not stay away from Hudson. I just can't.

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now