July 31st 2014

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• Just for clarification, if you have not read number 1, it does not matter, yes there are things relating to number 1 but it will still make sense and be an interesting read •

I drag my limp leg behind me, trying to block out the moans and shuffling sounds behind me, following me everywhere I go. There would easily be thirty, chasing me through the streets of an unknown suburb. It's completely dark; I'm only able to see outlines. I turn to see how many there still are, and none have left my path, some may have joined. As I turn back around I step on something, big and solid, twisting my only good ankle. M6y hand jolts out at the car next to me for balance, but I hit it too hard, setting off the car alarm. The lights start flashing and the shrill beeping starts, filling the empty, silent streets with noise.

"Shit." I whispered. Just as I look up, I see a light go out from a closed window. I hadn't noticed it before, but I watched it go dark inside of that room, meaning there's someone in there. The alarm drones out the moaning as I hobble forward. At every step I take I wince. I'm about 10m away from the house, and the Walkers about 5m away from me. I urge myself to go faster, but I'm going the same pace as the Walkers. I reach the front porch and tug on the railing, pulling myself up the 5 steps and onto the front step. I knocked once, but no one answered. "Please! Let me in!" I yelled. The Walkers were having trouble up the stairs, but it would only be some time before they dragged themselves up. "Please! There are too many!" I screamed banging the door. "I saw your light go out! I know you're in there!" I turned to see the first Walker get up on its feet, lunging at me. I pushed it away and back down the steps. I currently had no weapons on me, being robbed of them by a passer by group 2 days ago. "You're going to leave a human being to die?" I screamed. I waited 3 seconds for an answer, then realising they weren't going to help me. I had to run. I turn to go off the side of the porch, willing to jump off onto my bad ankles, but I felt something grab onto my hair and pull, making me scream. I yanked at it and pulled it out of the grip of the Walker. I run at the railing and through myself over, landing on my bum. I helped myself up and limped, slowly around to the back of the house. I found the back fence and climbed it, slowly, again throwing myself over and landing on my back. I groaned as I rolled onto my stomach, getting onto my hands and knees, and pushing myself onto my feet. I questioned whether to keep going, but as I heard that first Walker hit the fence, I moved into action again. I hobbled through the yard of what looks like a hundred children, judging by the piles of toys scattered everywhere. I reach the side gate and unlatch it, swinging it open and letting me go through before closing itself. I walk onto the empty street in front of me and sigh with relief. I go to the first car I see and get in, searching for the keys. It's a blue, Mazda and of course there are none, so I bend over, taking the plastic cover of the steering column off. Out fall a set of wires and I search for the two yellow ones. I connect them then get the ignition wires and attach them to the battery wire, making the car light up. I smile and shove them back in, covering them back up with the cover, locking it into place. I grabbed the steering wheel and started to turn it as hard as I could. Because I didn't start it with a key, the wheel is still locked in place. If I turn it hard enough, I should be able to unlock it. I gripped it hard and tried it again, tugging it to the right. I soon hear a familiar pop sound and I let go, letting it fall back into its natural place. I press on the gas pedal, lurching the car forward. "YES!" I said tapping on the steering wheel. I drive down the silent street, no lights on. I turn the corner and drive in the opposite way to the Walkers. "I bet that - bitch - who wouldn't let me in would want to be me now hey - shit!" I said swerving. I pushed the brake just quick enough so I didn't hit a man standing in front of my car. He has his hands on the bonnet, like that would do something. The lights in the car dimmed then turned off, meaning I would have to restart it.

"Open the door." He said running around the outside of the car to the passenger side. "Open the door." He had a slight accent, maybe British. I just stared at him, wide eyed. I nearly hit him. Then I began to hear the moaning, and he began to look panicked. "Please." He begged hitting on the window. He was being followed like I was. He was being ignored, like I was. I bent over and unlocked the car door. He quickly opened it and jumped in, slamming it behind him. I bent over and pulled the plastic cover off the steering control box. "What are you doing?" his accent was smooth and sultry.

"You made me stop the car, so now I have to start it again." I said pulling out the wires again.

"Use the key!" he yelled.

"I don't have a key!" I yelled back.

"What do you mean you don't have a key?" he said. "This is your car right?"

"No?" I said connecting the battery wires, then reconnecting the ignition wires.

"You stole it!" he yelled again.

"Well - duh." I said as the car started up again. I sat back up to see about 10 Walkers, leaning on the bonnet of the car. "Shit." I whispered.

"What are we going to do?" he asked.

"Slam it." I said hitting the gas hard, moving fast forward and pulling the Walkers under the car. We bumped up and down in our seats as we drove over them, then we felt soft ground.


Hey guys!
I was just wondering if all ya'll who have read the first book made the connection in this chapter?

In chapter 2 of Virus 1, Alex is hiding in a house when a car alarm goes off outside. The car alarm was set off by Emmeline, who then begged Alex to let her in, but she didn't.

If you don't remember it or you haven't read number 1, I suggest you go back. This book actually has heaps of connections ya'll might notice.

If you do don't be afraid to comment or ask me about it :)

Love Avery!

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now