[Insert name but noy the same insert name as male reader] gets fucking murdered

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           Lil side note before we get into the story, your going to have to choose the name of a person you don't like. I chose the name Abigail because it's the name of the person in the mirror who beats me at Rock Paper Scissors. Anyway, thanks for reading my WhatsApp story so far.

                  -Abigail (the author)

          So you walk home after a successful date with spirngtrap and you consider proposing. You get home and wonder how you'll tell everyone that you know have a boyfriend. You see KK in his wheelchair and you move towards him when Eyeless John bursts through the door with his sister (oc) Abigaille and some guy you don't recognize. EJ says that the guys name is [Insert Name of person you don't like].
           You knew some one with that name you didn't like, but you swallow your pride (mind outta the gutter) and go to introduce yourself. [INoPYDL] seemed to completely ignore your name and launched into a shpeal about how in 19-dickity-2 Christipher Colombus sailed the ocean blue, killed 5 kids and stuffed their bodies into animatronic suits.

                         This makes sense

           Anyway, Abigaille goes to make a perfect sandwich (because she was trained by world-class chefs), and [INoPYDL] goes to draw yiff or some dumb shit. So anyways you walk over to Jack to tell tell him you are dating William Aftan. You tell EyeJ the bad news and he starts to cry and he runs away. Abigaille then springs up behind you and barista bombs you for breaking her brothers heart.
         You blacked out.
        "[Male Reader] isn't waking up!" Someone shouted! They sounded muffled! "What would get them to wake up?!" Someone else asked. "I got an idea" an somewhat unfamiliar voice said, "Hey guys wanna see my furry OC?" You instinctively snap up and punch the guy who just said that.
          So you are no longer blacked out and [INoPYDL] (now on the floor with a black eye) said thet it always works. Since Elysees Jack was still mad at you he left and Person followed him. You all follow the two as Jack crossed the road, [INoPYDL] attempted to follow him but was immediately hit by a car.
         Anyways you all go back inside and and Chodwer and Kotal ask what happened. You sorrowfully state that you started dating Springtrap. This upsets Chowder so he consumes you.
         While you float in the vast void of Chowders vore-pit you remember what Zalgo had said to you 3 chapters ago: You are a crepepasta ledgend and you could escape. You think real hard and open a portal! You go through the portal and end up in Zalgo's sex dungeon! Oh No! You hear footsteps slowly coming twords you....

          To be continue......

Chowder x Male Reader x Kotal Kahn x Creepypasta Where stories live. Discover now