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Sandy cheeks was walikning along the dirk rod when she saw a pinaple. This was strbge a s the re were no pinaples is unders the sea. She wondered if she brought one from Texas asnd forgot about it.
         Sundy wanked to the pinavle and knocked on the linaple doors. A splunge opened the door he said his name was Splunge bobert and he asked what your name was. "You're name is sandy Cheeks " Sandy said. Splunge bib said theat he was rooming woth someone . This someone was the one and only SamweL. the burrito maker. The one and only. So SamweL. the burrito maker. was making a burrito in the kitchen and Sandy asked if she could meake her a  butrito? SamweL. the burito maker. hastily agreed and they had hot steamy lesbian sex. Splunge knob didn't like this as he was a devout catholic and he cucked SamweL. the burito maker out of his house.

(This is also on mars so this is normal)

Now SamweL. thhe burrito make was homeless!!!

      Sandy cried.

    Sandy invided SamweL. the burrito mqkeer to live with her and they startesd living together.


      So then SamweL. the burrito maker and Sandy Cheeka hent yo thr ER to get an ultra sound and Kotal Kahn and Chowder made a run for the forest, while you, EJ and Shrek all ran to the car. The police were on your tail anc you need ed to escape. mm

     Anyways, you three piled into the car and sped off forgetting that you have onece again left 2/4 of the title character and you probably should have given up on the threesome that was promised in chapter 2 by now.

     Anywaus, you pull up to club Amorous from the hit free furry dating game Amorous. You are all dansing and so you are now in the Club dancings and having fun when you are approached by a very buff and sexy aligator man and a smaller less sexy meercat lookin dipshit.

        their names are Bill and Billium
        (this will get confusing)
They ask to do the secks and now you are having the sex and then biill is called and he has to leave so now you aere alone with Billium.

       Billium looks in your eyes and states you are the only one for him and asks for you hand in marge. You hastily agree and now your objective is to go to Los Vegas to get married to Bulluim. You are sure Bill wont mind.

    Anyways, bill minded. He was not very upset so he said when you fell asleep he would poor shit in your ass. This was threatening. Thankfully Pinkamida Diane Pie had recovered from being dead and gave Bill a cumcake so he was now calm. (this also sets up a romantic sub-plot (REMEMBER TO DELETE THIS NOTE BEFORE PUBLISH)) 

      So you walk to the car with Bill, Bill, Pinkie Pie, Shrek (and shreks girlfriend Robert the Pissa Maker) and Eyeless John with his new fling Ticci Tobbe. You wondder about the fact that this car can fit a seemingly infinite amount of people in it, but then you remember that it is a Chowders car and it its magical and stretchy.

     As you start down the 3-year drive to Los Vegas you start talking to the passengers and talk about EJ marrying TT but then Bill states that only one pair of lovers can get married as it is illegal for multiple couples to travel to New Vegas together and get married (this story takes place in the future so thats normal). Everyone in the car made a face kinda like D: or, o: or, ):<...

      You all decided that a battle royale would settle be continued.

Chowder x Male Reader x Kotal Kahn x Creepypasta Where stories live. Discover now