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Inside Evelina's room

Evelina was brimming with joy. But of course, she put out a sad and worried front when others were present.

Although it was indeed cruel, Evelina merely thought it was the rules of the aristocratic life.

You step on others to climb up. If your too softhearted, then you have almost no chance to climb in society.

'forgive me for being cruel, little sister. I told you to stop getting in my way, I did warn you.'

"Miss....what if the coachmen tells on us? Miss, you shouldn't have let him go..." Carol said with a bit of worry in her voice.

Carol was not filled with guilt or worry because they 'took Angelina's life', she was worried that the coachmen would rat them off.

"Oh please.. that bastard received enough money to live a comfortable life! He got his pay, he wouldn't do anything..." Evelina rolled her eyes.


"Shut up! Stop trying to ruin my mood! Go get me some tea or something!" Evelina's expression immediately changed and turned to a scornful and impaction expression.

"Uhmm...yes miss!" Carol rushed to leave the room.

"Hmph.." Evelina walked up to a page from a storybook that was crumbled up to a ball and was on the floor.

She straitened up a piece of paper looked at with cold eyes.

She brought it and placed it on her vanity table and took a quill. Then her cold gaze fell upon an illustrated picture of a young lady with silver hair.

Her eyes grew even colder and she immediately crossed off the face of the illustrated character.

The character's name was Adellea. She was played the part of a minor side character in a novel Evelina read.

She had silver hair and green eyes. This character was not very important in the novel. She only appeared for a few chapters before being killed off to strengthen the male lead and female lead's love for each other.

Evelina hated this character for some reason. She hated this character because the author said that this character was even more beautiful than the protagonist. Plus this character had silver hair, which immediately reminded Evelina of Angelina.

"Hah....goodbye sister...." An extremely cruel and horrifying expression appeared. "I wish you a horrible afterlife..."

"This young lady is fine. Only a few minor burns. As long as she rest and continues to use the medicine, she should be fine."

"Thank you, doctor" Angelina smiled and nodded. After a while, her energy came back to her.

"Haha. It's merely this one's job" the old doctor laughed, then he left.

"Creak..." Angelina heard the door open and saw a handsome man with hair like the night sky and blue eyes that can seduce any women.

Now that her head was clearer, Angelina was finally able to reconize him.

"Wait.... it's you....the one...at the casino.." Angelina widened her eyes in surprise.

Charles brought with him a bowl of warm potato soup. He sat beside her again and took a spoon full of the soup.

"You should eat. It will give you energy" he said as his hand was in the air, holding and preparing to feed Angelina.

"...why...why do you keep helping me?...you...you do know that I'm not Lily righ-"

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