Chapter Fifty-five

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I was unsure of who I was to her anymore, even to myself

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I was unsure of who I was to her anymore, even to myself. The more time I spent with Lauren, the more I struggled with the decision of whether to maintain my current behavior or change some aspects of myself. She started treating me in such a way that I was left feeling numb and unsure of how to handle my intense desire for her.

My father passed out while working in the living room on Wednesday night, which caused me to be late for school on Thursday morning.

Dr. Fhassan agreed to pay a visit to our home on Thursday afternoon after his shift at the hospital after I had to contact him to discuss what had happened.

"I told you to rest and stop working for a while," I told him. When he woke up, I knelt down on the side of the living room couch where he was resting and gave him a glass of water since he seemed dehydrated.

I gave him a helping hand as he pushed himself up off the couch, took a sip from the glass of water, and offered him some of the medication he was supposed to take.

He placed the glass down on the coffee table, "It's alright. I told you I can manage," he says as I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"With what you are doing to yourself, you might go back to the hospital again."

He scoffs and chuckles a bit to himself, "I won't and I'll be careful. I just need to finish my work; my people need me."

My mother walked into the living room right away, carrying a tray that had a bowl of soup and a glass of orange juice. In order for my mother to set the meal down, I managed to shift a few of the papers that were stacked on the coffee table to the side.

"Now, go," My dad shoos me with his hand, urging me to leave already, "You'll be late for school."

My mom turned her head to look at me, "Don't worry, honey. I'll take care of your dad," she reassures me as I contemplated first about getting up and leaving the house. I eventually left when Jonathan was telling me that he'll be running late, too.

When I arrived at school, I missed my first period because of the sudden traffic after dropping Jonathan off at his school. I immediately rushed towards the next class, panting, as I stood outside the door, gathering myself as I catch up with my breath.

I peered through the small glass on the door and noticed Lauren moving nervously toward the front. I waited for her to perform first before deciding to go inside the room which may cause a sudden interruption.

I was aware that she appeared to be uncomfortable with my presence—at least, that's how it appears. Conversations were forced, unlike before. Even though not much has changed between us other than the odd comments she makes that disrupt the conversation that leaves me with a sour expression and thoughts, I could tell every time she would gaze at me that there was something she couldn't bring herself, to be honest about.

Due to my curiosity, I moved my head toward the door and eventually gave in to the temptation to hear her read her informal letter. As soon as I heard her voice, I found myself grinning. Her voice wasn't that loud but it was enough for me to hear her clearly.

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