14: Don't mess with Austin's performance, darling

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''What are we doing here?'' I groaned, dragging my feet right behind my two insane friends.

''Shush!'' Tara snapped at me, glancing over her shoulder briefly. Rolling my eyes at her back, I looked up at the huge mall entrance in front of me. So help me God...

''You need a distraction'' Sasha began, slowing her pace to walk with me. ''He's not worth your time, babe. You deserve so much better!'' She pursed her lips at the thought, clearly holding something else in.

''I thought y'all were friends?'' I raise an eyebrow at her.

''Yeah....and as his friend, I can boldly say he's an absolute waste of space after what he pulled last night'' She furrowed her eyebrows at the memory.

He just left.

One day he takes my first kiss, the next day he ditches me after seeing me have a severe panic attack. Well, I guess that's Austin Black, ladies and gents.

''That really was a dick move'' Tara sighed, slowing down as well. She looked down at me, frowning.''I really thought he was changing the more he spent time with you...''

''So did I'' Sasha frowned too.

''We weren't even a thing. You guys are acting like I'm going through a break-up or something. Can we just get on with whatever you guys planned for this evening?'' I groaned, dragging a hand through my hair.

''He was your first kiss, Tina'' Tara's eyes grew sad as she spoke.

''That's just fucked up y'all...'' Sasha shook her head, looking even sadder than Tara.

I stopped in my tracks, taking them by surprise.''Can we drop it?'' I asked a little too harshly, surprising myself.''I don't want to think about him right now. Especially since he probably hasn't thought about me at all. I just...'' I took a deep breath, looking down at my fiddling hands.''I just want to get my mind off him'' I admitted.

Did I have feelings for Austin?

Who am I kidding?

I asked the guy to be my first kiss. I obviously have feelings for the guy.

''Okay, now we're definitely going to a club'' Sasha nodded as if the only thing that registered in her mind was my last sentence.

''I second that'' Tara fist-bumped Sasha with a huge grin on her tanned face.

''It was more than enough when I had just Tara and her constant need to get me drunk...now I have two Taras. Except the new one has anger issues to top it all off'' I8 muttered grumpily under my breath.

''Say it louder, babe. I'll let you know what I think about it'' Sasha whispered in my ear with a threateningly low tone, before bursting into laughter once she set eyes on my terrified face. ''I'm kidding! You should've seen your face!''

I rolled my eyes, speeding up to walk ahead of them.


''Show us!''

''Show us!''

The girls chanted outside my bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, frowning. I didn't think the dress would be this tight...

That heavy lunch I had earlier was definitely showing, making me want to escape the dress the sooner the better. ''I don't think it's for me!'' I called to them, staring at the ceiling in exasperation. Why oh why did I let them chose my outfit for tonight?

''Don't be stupid!'' Sasha groaned.

I opened the door, meeting their curious gazes straight away. They both sat on my bed, already dressed in their beautiful dresses. Tara wore a stunning red strapless dress that stopped mid-thigh, with matching red strappy heels on her feet. She had put on a dramatic makeup look and her hair was pin-straight and slicked back perfectly.

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