37: How the hell are we supposed to get out of this mess now?!

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Tina's P.O.V

''I cleaned everything up downstairs'' Austin informed me as he walked into our bedroom.

''Good'' I gulped uncomfortably, unsure of how I should be acting around him after what had happened between the two of us. ''That's good...very good. Thanks, um-'' I nodded awkwardly, blushing a deep red. Look at you, blushing at the guy who just rocked your world! Acting like a good girl now, are we? Well, who literally begged for it? AGAIN. That's right. YOU.

Our friends hadn't come home yet. Thankfully.

I was sure I wouldn't be able to look any of them in the eye. I mean, how do people have such mind-blowing sex and then go to work or something as if nothing had happened? How?! I would be barely walking, hissing from every step I took. Not to mention the tomato-red face...

''You feeling okay?'' Austin asked, amused by me.

''Yeah!'' I rushed out before pressing my lips into a thin line.

''What's wrong?'' He asked, growing serious all of a sudden. ''Do you regret it? Is that it? Because if that's the case, I can just-''

''No!'' I shook my head, replying a little too quickly.

He chuckled at me, enjoying my honesty.

''I just...'' I began, sheepishly. ''Nevermind, you're going to think I'm stupid for saying this'' I dismissed him, blushing hard.

''No, I won't. Tell me, White'' He frowned, sitting down on the bed next to me.

''I don't know how to act around our friends now...or you'' I shut my eyes in fear of his laughter. Instead, I didn't hear anything. Slowly, I opened my eyes to look at his reaction.

He was smiling at me, taking my hand in his gently. ''You'll be fine'' He spoke finally, squeezing my hand in his lightly.

''But...I can't walk'' I blushed yet again, embarrassed.

Now that, made him burst into laughter.

I groaned, grabbing a pillow to smack him on the head with it. He caught it mid-air, shaking his head as he sobered up. ''I'll tell them you're just feeling sick or hungover if it doesn't get better in the morning'' He offered, a smug smile on his lips.

I'm glad he's enjoying my embarrassment.

''Okay, I guess that's fine'' I huffed.

''Or...I can just tell them I fucked your pretty little ass into oblivion and now you can't walk?'' He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively before laughing.

My face flushed with heat and I threw a pillow at him in defense. ''You are such a frickin' jerk!'' I shrieked. He laughed uncontrollably as I pouted at him. I reached for another pillow but a loud clicking sound coming from downstairs made me freeze.

That was when the front door opened loudly, hitting the wall with force. Drunken slurs and obnoxious laughter filled the house, indicating that our friends were home from partying.

Oh crap. Tomorrow will certainly be fun...not.


I hissed with every step, cursing myself for not having anyone to ask for advice in this situation.

It was early in the morning and all my friends were downstairs eating breakfast and groaning about their hangovers. I, however, didn't have a hangover. I had a sore vajayjay. 

''You comin' down to eat? Caleb made his signature waffles'' Austin popped his head into the bathroom.

''If I can make it downstairs, I will'' I hissed at him, glaring. He roared with obnoxious laughter before closing the door and leaving. I rolled my eyes at him. What a dickhead.

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