34: We have everything under control

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''The guys are hyping Aaron up while we're shopping'' Sasha informed us as she happily tapped her nails against the screen of her phone. ''Caleb says Austin is acting moody''

I rolled my eyes. Of course, he is...

''Brother dearest and Austin don't really get along, huh?'' Tara cringed.

''You think?!'' Both Sasha and I spoke in unison.

''Well, they'll just have to suck it up!'' She waved us off without a care in the world. ''Once my brother gets laid, he'll be way more chill. That's how he works. Only this time, no Brooke. I won't allow that skank back into his life''

''What if he loves her?'' Sasha frowned as we entered the local mall. It wasn't as big as the one back in our town, but it was decently sized. I could already see a few stores I wanted to visit.

''He does, that's the problem'' She sighed. ''But it's bad for him. The whole thing is terrible. A whole fucking trainwreck, if you ask me. And then he fell for Ms.White over here, who's been the prize of the year lately, and that just added to the depressive state he's been having'' 

''Hey!'' I exclaimed, offended by her words. ''It's not my fault!''

''I know, Tina'' Tara waved me off. ''My brother just likes making life difficult for himself. I mean, he has never been with a decent girl. He likes them, yes, but never has enough guts to pursue the potential relationship''

''Maybe he hasn't got enough self-confidence'' Sasha wondered as we strolled into the first store. There were too many people in there and I immediately felt like I was suffocating from lack of free air. It didn't help that the weather here was absolutely unbearable.

''That's the thing! And that's exactly why we need you to help him'' Tara pointed at Sasha, making her smirk proudly. ''We all know you've got plenty of that!''

''Well, damn, I am flattered!'' Sasha threw her silk black hair over her shoulder, flashing us her best flirtatious smile. If I were a guy...damn.

''You are literally a goddess'' I sighed dreamily.

''You mean all three of us? Because yeah, totally agree!'' She winked, before linking her arms with ours. ''Now let's get us some hot outfits for tonight!''

''I'm so in!'' Tara squealed.


''Has Caleb texted you this past hour?'' I asked as the two of my friends twirled in front of the dressing room mirror.

''Nope!'' Sasha replied without a care in the world.

I bit my lip, anxious about the night ahead of us. The last thing I wanted was for Aaron and Austin to have another fight...

''Don't worry about it, Tina. They won't let them fight again. Caleb is so sick of it, he'll literally castrate them if they try anything again'' She assured me.

''I know, I know. I just don't like the tension between them. Austin barely let me go talk to Aaron. I had to convince him I didn't see Aaron that way at all!'' I whined, finally telling them about what happened between us. ''He was in full-on possessive mode''

''That's just Austin, babe. He's always like that, with everything'' Sasha shrugged.

''He told me you lived with him for a while'' I blurted out, the memory coming back to me all of a sudden. ''Sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that''

''No, it's fine. I had to...'' She trailed off.

''Hide from Jared, like the guys are hiding right now?'' I helped her find the right words.

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