01- The Beginning

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"Mila was quite beautiful, wasn't she?" Smee says to Killian as they sail smoothly across the crystal clear water. Seeing that the Captain quickly puts the picture of Mila away, he says "Don't worry, cap, we will avenge her. No matter what it takes, i know that you will find a way to kill Rumpelstiltskin"

"I wouldn't say that name too loudly around here Smee" I say as i walk up to the top deck of the ship and i stand next to my Dad who is next to the ships wheel.

"Kirra, we will find him" He says as he walks around the wheel to stand next to me "We will make him pay"

I nod to him as my Dad turns to Smee "What about the boy we yanked from the sea, what news do you have of him?"

"A little wet, but he should be awake anytime now" He tells us and i nod as i turn and walk down the stairs to the lower deck. i walk down a ladder until my feet land on the very bottom of the ships sleeping quarters.

"Oh, your awake" I say as i watch the boy sit up.

"Are you the captain?" He asks as i laugh

"Do you think they would allow a female captain, i think not" I say as i stop laughing and point up to signal the people above us. "No, i'm worse then the captain, because i'm his daughter" I say as i smile.

"Ah, i see that you have met our hostage" My Dad says as he walks down the ladder and sees me talking to him.

"Yes, i have. He's not much of a boy, he says he left his family to come here, to 'protect' them"

"How precious. A real family man, it's a shame." Dad says

"What would you know, you're a pirate!" The boy snaps at us

"I'd shut it if i was you.. a pirate saved your scrawny bones from a mermaid curse" I remind him.

"A pirate killed my Mother and tore apart my family" He says, angrily.

"Well, i'd like to meet this fellow" I say as Smee laughs and then Dad shows his hook at him and he stops.

"What about your Father" Dad says, turning back to the boy

"He left me.. He's a coward!" The boy says and i turn to Dad, giving him a raised eyebrow.

"And what's your name, boy" Dad says

"I don't have to answer to you!" The boy shouts

"Well, i can make you" I say as i pull out my sword and point it at his neck.

"But to prove that not all pirates are like the one's you fear" Dad says as he pushes my arm down from the boys neck and i put my sword away "I'll simply ask again.. What's your name" Dad says getting closer to the boys face and whispering.

"Baelfire" The boy says and Dad moves away from the boy with wide eyes.

"Oh this will be fun" I say with a smirk on my face.

Dad goes over and gets him a blanket and places it on the boys knees "Welcome aboard Baelfire"

I get close to his face as he looks me in the eyes "It's a pirates life for you" I smile


"Captain!" Smee shouts as i run and stand next to him "they've come for the boy!"

I watch as a row boat with cloaked people pull up next to our ship.

"What do we do?" Smee says, worriedly.

"We fight" I say as i pull out my sword and stand next to my Dad as the ship members stand behind us.

"The sooner we let them have him, the sooner they'll leave us alone!" Smee says, worriedly.

"No, i can't let them have him, not after i've found out that we have Rumpelstiltskin's son on board, he is the key to my revenge, i won't loose him!" Dad says as the people get out of the boat and jump onto the top deck of our ship.

"Do you know who we are?" The leader of the group asks as the others walk around the ship.

"Your the lost one's, you work for him" I say as i look him in the eyes

"We're looking for a boy who was seen adrift near by" He says as he looks around " A boy he has a particular interest in"

"Well, i'm sorry that i will have to send you away disappointed, but we don't have any boy on this ship" Dad says "As you can see we are only men here" He says gesturing around him and then his eyes look at my annoyed face "Well except her" He says not wanting to say that i am his daughter, so that they can't use it as an advantage

"Then you won't mind if we look around?" He says to Dad

"Be my guest" Dad answer's as we follow them down to the bed chambers of the ship where he is being kept.

The other lost boys look around and the leader turns to look at my Father and i "You're new here, aren't you?" He asks us "And i'm guessing that you don't know what he does to people who lie to him?"

"No, but i'm guessing it hurts" I answer.

"He rips your shadow right from your body" The leader says to us "Riiiipppppp"

The other lost boys come to him and shake their heads at him.

"Well, if you find the boy, then you know who to take him too." The leader says as he walks out of the ship

My eyes follow after the lost boys as I watch them all go off, one by one, until its only me and the leader left.

He turns to me "You know, it's not just the boy who he has an interest in, Kirra... He also has his eyes set on getting you" He says as he hops off the vessel and i swallow.

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