06- Fine

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Walking through the forest, i'm limping, because of my ankle.

I lean against a tree as i try to get my breathe back.

"Given up already?" I hear a voice say and i sigh.

"Pan, to what do i owe the pleasure?" I ask

He walks out from behind the tree that i'm leaning against.

"Heard you sprained your ankle, need some help?"

"Not from you, i don't" I say as i begin to walk away, but i end up getting pushed against the tree by Pan, he leans closer to my face and whispers one line. "You've got fire, I like fire"

He speaks so clearly it gives me goose bumps.

"Well lucky for you i haven't just got fire I am fire, and this fire is ready to watch some things burn"

I duck under his arms, that were caged around me, and i walk off, not looking back.


After walking through the cave entrance, i hold onto the stone wall as i call out.

"Bae?" I shout, but i get no answer.

I walk around the cave and i see that it is lived in.

"Bae?" I call out again.. he's not here.

I walk forward and i end up calling out in pain as my ankle twists again.

I hold onto the side of the type of table in the middle of the room.

I fall to the floor holding my ankle.

I don't think i can go on anymore, i need some meds..

I start to feel the pain get to my head as i feel dizzy and soon i'm out. 

I am Fire ✔️ || OC x Peter Pan Once Upon a TimeWhere stories live. Discover now