22- Fool me once

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After we get off the boat, i look around at this strange town.

So this is the town that they call Storybrooke?

I turn around as i hear Felix walk up next to me and he leans down and whispers in my ear

"I've had a little chat with Pan, he asked me to take care of you while he's undercover" He says as he raps his arm around my shoulders and we follow the other lost boys and i look behind me as i smile at Henry as he walks off with Regina and Emma.


The next day, the boys and i all get tasked with helping Snow White put up the bunting for the towns next festival parade.

I sigh as i reach over, on the ladder, and i begin to tie the string around a lamp post.

All of a sudden, i hear screaming as Regina, Mary Margret and Emma run off and i turn around, but i loose my footing and i scream as i plumit to the floor.

I close my eyes and i feel myself stopping, inches from the ground, but i don't feel anyones arms around me.

I open my eyes, confused

"Shadow?" I ask as he puts me upright, on my feet "Peter sent you, didn't he?" I ask and Peters shadow nods and the i hear screaming in the distance again and i jesture for shadow to fly away before he gets caught and i rush ove rto the others.

I round the corner and i see Fairy Godmother lying on the ground

"OMG!" I say as i rush to stand next to Felix "What happened, is she dead?" I ask and Emnma looks at me, with anger in her eyes

"YOU!" She shouts as she rushes up to me and i see Felix step in front of me as she slows to a halt

"It's ok, Felix... let her talk" I say and he nods as he moves to the left so that i can see her

"You" She repeats "Pans shadow just took off with Fairy Godmothers! He just killed her, which means that he's alive, but of cause you kne wthat already, didn't you?" She shouts "Now tell me, why did he just kill her?!"

"Emma, calm down, i honestly don't think that she knows" Charming says as Emma glances at him and then she looks back at me and i put on my best acting face

"Emma, i swear, i have no idea why he did that, i thought he was dead, i could feel his spirit and power slipping out of my vains, i thought he was gone" I say and she looks at me for a minute, before sighing and walking off

I turn around, away from the others and i smirk at Felix as i walk away.

I am Fire ✔️ || OC x Peter Pan Once Upon a TimeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt