05- Let the Games Begin

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Running through the forest, i stop.

I have to think of a game plan, i can't just run everywhere and look for him, there has got to be some clues.

"Come on Jones think!" I shout.

"Even if your angry at him right now, you are a jones, hunting for treasure is in your bones!" I say to myself.

Suddenly i remember what my Dad once told me.

To get the treasure you've got to spot the treasure, and you will always find the treasure if you climb.

The trees, i'm sure i can see everything from there.

I start to climb the nearest climbable tree, with low branches, and i pull myself up, until im sitting at the top.

This is useless! I sigh

I lean against a tree branch when i spot a hill in the distance.

A hill can be hollowed out, there has to be a cave in there!

I start to climb down the tree, when my foot slips.


I close my eyes as i feel myself falling.

I hit the ground with a thud.

I think i broke my ankle.

I quickly remember the hill and i push myself off the ground.

I've got to get across the island, but how?

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