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A/N: Please don't forget to VOTE + her outfit above ^

Sophia's POV

I woke up due to the shrilling of my alarm, but hastily slapped onto my nightstand until I actually hit the stop-button. I do not like the blaring noise it makes every morning, as you may or may not know by now. 

I almost forgot the most obvious reason why I didn't want to start the day, it's my birthday. Although, I don't think anyone knows that today is the day. The first time I met Logan, I told him it was in a few days, but I never said the exact date. Hopefully, he'd forgotten all about it.

The clothes that I chose for today were inspired by an outfit I saw on Pinterest. Fortunately for me, I had almost the same clothes than the girl in the picture. 

Alright, I guess I'm ready to go, I thought sullenly to myself after eating a quick breakfast. I walked out the door when I greeted my parents and put in my earbuds. I convinced them to not make such a big deal out of it. 

Halfway there, I heard a loud 'toot' behind me. I jumped around, surprised. I saw a car slow down next to me and the window rolled down. I paused to examine the dark grey vehicle. 

As soon as the person in the driver's seat came into view, I tilted my head to the side, glancing around as if to search for answers.  

"Logan?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows in wonder. "What are you doing here?"

"I stopped by the gym here nearby because I forgot my phone there last night, and this is the quickest route to school from there on," he clarified. I nodded, not sure of what to say.

 "Well, you need a lift?" he offered.

"To school?" I asked back stupidly. He gave me a look as if to say 'where else?' and smiled, motioning with his head to get in the car. I sheepishly stared the ground as I went over to the passenger's side of his car and opened the door.

I transported myself in the seat next to him and buckled on my seat belt. "Thank you," I spoke shyly, but when I looked at him, that nervousness went away. His expression, face, posture... Everything about him seemed so friendly and gentle. He could be reckless at times - I've seen him with his friends after school - and he likes to take risks, but he would never hurt a fly, and definitely not around me.    

He started the engine and the radio automatically began playing. His windows were half-open, so now and then a breeze would enter the car and let my hair fly up, also ruffling his. 

We talked all the while, and for the first time with people from this school, I completely felt safe and comfortable. I could laugh around him without having this feeling that he might dislike me. Kind of like my relationship with Natalie and Evie and Bella, although with them I still sense that a time will come where they'll leave me. Like Carrie - she abandoned me because she couldn't take any more of my 'innocent and naive' attitude. Though I didn't know what she meant and probably couldn't help it either, Liv came to my rescue. 


When Logan locked his car after he parked us near the school entrance, he put the keys in his back pocket and walked around the car, over to me. We marched toward the double doors and he complimented my outfit out of nowhere. At least I think it was a compliment. 

"Your outfit," he commenced. "It's different." 

"Do you like it?" I asked, hoping I didn't dress too dissimilar for school. 

He grinned and nodded, "Yeah, I do. It suits you," he praised my choice of wardrobe, and I instantly felt a warm feeling inside. Everyday I keep getting to know him better and I keep liking him more and more. 

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