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A/N: From now on, chapters will have a lot more action! I'm sorry if the previous ones were boring, when I'm done I'll go over everything, edit what's needed and make it a bit better!! Thank you for the people bearing with me :)

Sophia's POV

Currently, it's Friday, and I'm sitting at the table with Natalie, Leslie and some other friends of theirs, eating lunch. The last two days were calm, and nothing bad happened. But nevertheless, since the day I got stuck in the PE room, I haven't felt at ease here, or anywhere for that matter. You know what they say about the calm before the storm...

One person occupied my mind, and that person only. I couldn't even concentrate in my classes or when people were talking to me. I mean, Cassius could be anywhere – in the school or outside my house.

I told myself it was only my mind playing tricks on me, but I kept having this remaining feeling that someone was watching me. I also – due to the lack of sleep I got – had giant bags under my eyes. At least they were blue, making 'my eyes pop out more' as Bella had put it to make me look on the bright side.

They didn't know the real reason behind my lack of sleep though. They think it's because of all the tests and assignments the teachers have been giving us, but that couldn't be more wrong. I was awake at every second because I couldn't keep the face of a certain person out of my mind.

Every second I shared with Cassius replayed itself in my head. Anytime I'd close my eyes, I'd wake up screaming and gasping for air as the image of him holding a gun to my head was clear. Whenever I saw a light, like the red back lights of a car or the orange flame inside a street lantern, I'd think of the instant I almost got my face burned off.

It is terrible. But there's nothing I can do about except wait for something else to happen. Grayson said he had it under control, but even I could tell he was lying.

I got drawn back to reality when I felt someone nudge me in the side. I looked up and saw Natalie frowning at me. "What's wrong? You're unusually quiet."

I shook my head, appreciating her concern though. "No, I'm fine, just tired," I said, letting loose a small sigh.

She chuckled, "I can see that."

When she turned back around after giving me one last glance, I slumped back in my seat lazily. I wasn't even hungry anymore.

"As you all know, yesterday the fire alarms went off. It was not a drill, but this time someone has, on accident or on purpose - we still don't know who it did – started a fire in the computer room. The glass door was broken when the firefighters got there. However, no student was supposed to be in there that hour, since none of the teachers have their classes booked for the computers then. After the firefighters put out the spreading fire, our detectors also sensed smoke coming from the girls' changing rooms in the PE hall. Whoever did this, and we will find out, please come forward. You have time until the end of the week. If that person does not present themselves at the principal's office by the end of Friday, there will be given a punishment to all."

That was the mail our principle sent to all parents and students on Wednesday morning. Remember when I said today is Friday? Yeah, well no one has taken the blame on themselves for what happened yet. Of course not, no one in this school did it. It was that insane murderer that did. The principle will probably send a mail with the given punishment to us this evening.

I suddenly locked eyes with Grayson as I watched him from the other side of the canteen. He was at his usual table, sitting in his usual seat. He winked at me before returning to the conversation between him and his friends. I'm only glad everything among us was good.

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