30 | ₃ ₐ.ₘ.

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A/N: Hey! Thanks for staying this long, and sorry for always having to wait for an update :/ School just absolutely sucks...

Please VOTE if you like this chapter, enjoy :)

Sophia's POV

The three of us - me, Evie and Arabella - were sitting on my bed once again. I was on the verge of crying, yet the tears haven't fallen yet. Evie was stroking Bella's hair, while her head was laying on Evie's shoulder. 

Stupid mistake. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I shouldn't have shown them. This is all my fault. My heart ached at the sight in front of me. A girl - my friend - who took all the culpability.

"We already told you, Bella, it's okay. It wasn't your fault, in any kind of way. No need to apologise," I spoke with a light and tender tone, hoping to calm Bella down. I set the tissue box next to her on the comforter.

Bella spread her lips again, as if she were to say her sorrows again. "I know, I know. But I can't help to feel sorry. It was my idea to-" 

"Bella... We're here now. We made it out without anybody getting hurt. Nothing's going to happen-"

"Yeah, but you could have died because of me," she sniffled, a remorseful look o her face. She stood up and faced me. "And you almost did."

Neither me nor Evie knew what to say, all we wanted was for Bella not to blame herself. "Can I go to your bathroom?" she asked, staring everywhere but our faces, avoiding any eye contact. 

"Sure. It's right across my room," I pointed to my door. She nodded and went outside, closing the door behind her. Evie and I spontaneously looked at each other as soon as the door made a clicking sound. 

"I hope she's alright," I mumbled delicately. Evie hummed in response. 

"Yeah, but we've got to understand how she feels. I've known her for years, and something that's always easily brought her down, is guilt," Evie expressed her sympathy. I nodded. 

"Maybe we can do something to lift her mood?" I suggested. Evie smiled in agreement.

"Maybe we can, if that's alright with you and your parents, of course, have a sleepover here? But we can do it at my house if you want," she said nervously, though her excitement outshined it. Bella, Evie and I have been planning on hanging out together on a weekend at school before, so I guess why not now?

"No, no, that's fine. It's a great idea, and my parents'll like it very much as well. They always worry that I'm not social enough, that I don't have enough friends," I explained. "But the moment I meet a boy and actually start talking to them, they want me to stay in my room," I shook my head at their silliness. What's the difference, they're both just friends, right? But due to my parents' dislike towards boys, I haven't even told them about my friendship with Logan and Grayson and Kyle. Let alone that I've, since yesterday, had my first kiss.      

Evie laughed. "I understand, my parents - well, specifically Dad - is just like that with boys. Though, for my social status, it's the exact opposite. They always think I get too clingy with my friends or hang out so much that they barely see me," she rolled her eyes and talked as if they were exaggerating, which they probably were. According to me, parents tend to exaggerate everything to get across their point.  

"So, does Bella like watching movies?" I asked, already thinking about what we could regard. 

"Is that even a question?" Evie grinned, and therefore I knew the answer, copying her enthusiasm. I told her to wait there while I sprinted downstairs and grabbed the DVD-book from our living room, with all the DVDs we owned inside.   

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