15. Korean Meatballs

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"I don't get it, why would you break up with him?" Misha asked.

"I just felt like we were falling apart."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I feel like we're always together but we're never together like on the same page. And we both want completely different things in life. And I feel like I'm weighing him down. And I never even told him about my dad. Plus I was jealous of Gwen."

"You were jealous of Gwen? Why would you be jealous of Gwen."

"Are you kidding? She's so beautiful and perfect and everything Peter deserves and I'm just me, the comic book nerd. And I always felt inferior to her. Plus it's like she was in every conversation we ever had, 'how's Gwen?' 'What's happening with Gwen?' It was driving me crazy! How could I not be jealous when it seemed like she was the only thing he could think about 24/7 and I know that he won't even worry or obsess over losing me like he does Gwen."

"You really think that?"


"God your a fucking idiot."

"I just need to not be in a relationship right now." She responded ignoring her big brother who let out a sigh. "You know I thought you were supposed to be on my side with the break up being my brother and all."

"Come on Lee don't do that." Misha groaned.

"Don't do what?!"

"You know what! I'm not on anyone's side! I just want to know why you broke up with the perfect guy!"

"I told you!"

"No! That's not good enough! If you're jealous of Gwen you talk that shit out! You don't break up with him! You feel like you're falling apart, you talk about it! You don't just break up with someone who didn't know anything was wrong!"

"Get out." Aleena growled angrily. Misha's lips parted in shock. "I SAID GET OUT!"

Misha huffed before stomping out of her room slamming the door shut on the way out. Aleena let out an angry yell, turning around and punching her wall. She yelped at the sudden pain blooming in her hand and tried to shake it off.


She cradled her hand muttering profanities when her phone rang. She let out a shaky breath before checking who was calling her and being confused when she saw UNKNOWN NUMBER flash on the screen. Aleena furrowed her brows and curiously answered the call. She was pleasantly surprised to hear Addie's voice.

"Hey!" The older girls cheery voice said on the other end of the line.

"Hey, how'd you get my number?"

"Oh, it was on your library card registry."

Aleena couldn't help being reminded of her first call with Peter.


"Is this Aleena?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"Uh, this is Peter, Peter Parker, um, I might need your help."

"Peter how did you get my number?"

"School website, I really need your help."

"Hey, you still there?" Addie asked pulling her from the memory.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm here. Whats up?"

"So I know we said 8:00 but the restaurant only had one open reservation at 6:00, Its around 4:30 now so do you want to meet up and hang out before going to dinner."

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