4. Trial success

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After school Peter took Aleena to some sort of abandoned warehouse.

"What are we doing here?" She asked curiously.

"We, dear Aleena, are going to be testing my abilities on a board." He replied holding up his skateboard.

Peter jumped over old stacked up paint cans and traffic cones and did all sorts of fancy tricks to impress Aleena. And to be frank she loved watching him have fun with his new powers even if she was a bit jealous of him living her biggest dream.

She sat on an old table watching Peter skate up walls like a pro when he rolled up next to her.

"Do you know how to skate?" He questioned.

"Oh no, never learned." Aleena responded giving a small smile.

"Would you like to?"

Aleena's smile widened visibly as she hopped off the table and Peter helped her onto the board.

The time they spend felt like both an eternity and five minutes, he ran next to her as she skateboarded for the first time in her life. He caught her when she fell, and helped her right back up again.

Aleena watched him climb into rafters and hang from the ceiling. It couldn't have been better.

She watched as just like many other times he rolled up the side of the wall but this time the board slipped out from under him and he just stuck to the wall. She laughed and cheered as he climbed up the wall. Peter was stunned to say the least.

He hung upside down from the ceiling as Aleena laid on the table just staring into each others eyes almost as if they were talking without words.

Peter looked away from the blonde when he sensed another spider, he glanced at the chain hanging from the ceiling and swung to it like Tarzan. Aleena got up and stood on the table watching the boy as he swung around without a care in the world.

"WOOOO!" he screamed as he flew thee the air.

He suddenly landed onto the table she was standing on nearly knocking her over but he caught her at the last minute so if someone were to look at them at that moment might think he was dipping her.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Hi." He whispered back

After the duos escapade in the warehouse they called a cab and went to Oscorp.

They reached the floor Dr. Connors worked on and was greeted immediately by the handicapped man who showed then around. As the doctor was giving the tour Peter stopped short when he noticed a familiar device.

"I remember that. I've seen that before."

"The Ganali device." Dr. Connors told him.

"Yeah. I remember a picture of it in my dads office." Peter replied.

"The idea was so simple. You load it with an antigen, it creates a cloud that can be disbursed over an entire neighborhood, a whole city even. Theoretically you could cure polio in an afternoon."

"It's incredible." Aleena told the doctor.

"Well, others disagreed. You know, what if the device were loaded with a toxin? What if you wanted to opt out? You can't run away from a cloud after all, so here is lies, gathering dust." Dr. Connors explained before turning to a different device. "What you see here is a computer model of a lizard. Many of these creatures are so beautifully adaptive they can grow limbs simply at will. You can imagine my envy. We're trying to harness this capability in transferring into our host subject, Freddie the three legged mouse."

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