16. Meetings

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Three weeks later Aleena sat next to Harry at the head of the table in front of the Oscorp board of directors and lawyers. They had been the most miserable three weeks of her life even after spending lots of time with Addie and making up with Misha.

"Harry, Oscorps been under intense public scrutiny in the wake of Dr. Connor's recent uh... breach of trust." Menkin told Harry as he twirled a flash drive in his hand, the flash drive that his father had given him before he died.

"You mean people are pissed off cause he tried to turn everyone in New York City into giant lizards." Harry responded raising his brows.

"Given that...all the animals hybrid programs he was involved in were destroyed to restore investor confidence."

"Ah, that is the Osborn way." Harry mumbled.

"Sweep everything under the rug instead of deal with it head on." Aleena added and Harry chuckled.

"Little girl, you have no idea the issues Oscorp faces." Menkin told her with narrowed eyes before turning back to harry. "Much of that scrutiny may fall on you now. We felt that plausible deniability was your best option."

"Sure, sure. I get it. Twenty year old kid, two hundred billion dollar company. What was Dad thinking? I mean, you're all lawyers, right? Surely someone must have questioned his sanity in the end. Someone must have thought about having him declared legally incompetent, it would have made this conversation a lot easier..."

"Harry..." Menkin tried.

"It's Mr. Osborn. We're not friends, and I didn't exactly like the way you spoke to my cousin just now. It was very disrespectful to your future boss." Harry responded giving Menkin a light glare and Aleena smiled to herself, Harry saw this and smiled as well. Harry then looked over the table of lawyers and his eyes stopped on a woman with dark brown hair and bangs. "Hi. You were his assistant, right?" He asked the girl who couldn't have been much older than himself.


"Whats your name?"


"Felicia, from now on everybody at this table works for Felicia, because Felicia works for me. Would anybody like to speak up?" He asked and no one answered, there was an uncomfortable silence in the room. "Well, good. Then you can all keep your jobs a little longer."

The meeting was then interrupted by Harry's butler whispering that someone was there to see him.

Harry returned about a minute later.

"I'm going out with an old friend. We will continue this meeting in three days." He told the board. "Felicia, could you hang around with my cousin and answer any questions she has about the company?"

"Yes sir." Felicia responded giving Harry a small smile.

Harry went back down the stairs where Peter was waiting for him.

"You ready to go now?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, just had to make sure my cousin was well taken care of."

"Since when do you have a cousin."

"It's a recent thing." Harry responded as they walked out of the building,

The two boys took a walk through a park catching up on each others lives.

"After graduation I went to Brazil then Singapore." Harry told Peter.

"That's right, yeah."

"Yeah. And then Europe, you know? I went to Europe."

"I saw you."

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