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Zaryab and his father were now seated in the doctors office, hoping to better understand the situation.

"So, you're telling me that she has previous scars that were not caused by the accident..." Zaryab asked. The doctor nodded his head and continued speaking.

"In her records it shows she's married, maybe these scars were caused by her husband? It's very common these days, husbands abusing their wives. Especially since they have no one to turn to." Just the thought of her husband abusing Ayat boiled Zaryab's blood. But the doctor could be right. If he truly loves her, why isn't he here yet? The hospital had called him after about half an hour Ayat was admitted, meaning they had called him almost 2 hours ago.

After talking to the doctor for ten more minutes, questioning about what medications and stuff Ayat needed, they walked out to where Eshal and her mother were sitting.

Eshal immediately got up and walked towards them, worry clear as day on her face. "Kiya kaha uno nay?" She questioned.

(What'd he say)

Zaryab looked hesitantly at his father, who nodded at him, before he told Eshal everything the doctor said.

"That asshole!" She said, angry at Ayat's husband. She always had a bad feeling about him. Especially when she had seen him with several different girls. That was the main reason Eshal didn't want them to get married. He was not a good person!

Her husband had also tried to hit in Eshal, long before she was to be married. She never told Ayat about the incident though and regretted it.

"When can we take her home?"

"As soon as she wakes up. Lekin doctor nay kaha tha she needs bed rest." Zaryab answered.

(But the doctor said she needs bed rest)

6 hours later, Ayat was sitting awkwardly in the familiar living room of the Khan's. She had many memories in this house of theirs. Coming back from school and crashing at Eshal's house, sneaking or sneaking glances at Zaryab. She sighed as those memories resurfaced.

The family of four entered the living room, the men sitting in front of her and their mother coming to sit beside her. Eshal decided to sit in front of Ayat, which cracked her heart further.

Saima, the mother of Zaryab and Eshal put her hand on Ayat's shoulder and gave her a smile. "How are you feeling, bachay?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Much better," Ayat whispered back.

"Who did this to you?" Zaryab got straight to the point, not wasting a second. Ayat hesitated. Did she really want to tell them the truth? Did she really want to eat out the man she thought she loved? "Don't bother protecting that person." Ayat looked up into his eyes that held rage.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" He shouted and Ayat flinched. Tears now made their way to her eyes, as they rapidly fell out.

"Zaryab, bas!" His father got up and yelled. "Woh already itni dari hoi hai, usko mazeed not darao. Eshal, Ayat ko guestroom may leh jao."

(Enough; she is already so scared, don't scare her more. Eshal take Ayat to the guestroom)

Eshal nodded at her father and guided Ayat to the guest room. She set her down on the bed before she sat right next to her. It was only a matter of seconds before Ayat cried in the arms of her best friend. After so long, someone had held while she cried. Someone had stroked her back as she sobbed her heart out. Someone had whispered that very thing would alright. And most importantly, someone was there for her.

Eshal's eyes started water as she watched her best friend sob in her arms.

'God, what had that evil man done to her?' She questioned herself.

After an hour of continuous crying, Ayat went to sleep, all her energy drained. After tucking her in, Eshal went upstairs to her own room. While she was walking, she looked into the room of her older brother, who had his head in his hands. Eshal frowned as she remembered his earlier behavior with Ayat.

She walked into his room and sat down next to him. "Woh kya tha?" She questioned referring to what had happened downstairs earlier.

(What was that)

"Eshal agar tum yah par mera damak khanay ayi ho, tu yaha say gao." He rasped, not raising his head from his hands.

(If you're here to bother me, then leave right now)

Eshal looked at her brother for a few seconds before she walked out of the room.

Zaryab sighed as he watched his baby sister leave the room. He knew he shouldn't have behaved with her like that. His thoughts led back to the beauty in the guest room.

The beauty who had been hurt by the beast.

He sighed as he stood up and walked downstairs, too lost in his thoughts.

Unknowingly, he had ended up right outside the guest room in which Ayat was in. He slowly opened the door and walked in.

His Ayat was laying on the bed asleep as the moon shined on her soft features. The soft features he had fell in love with all those years ago. He slowly traced down her face with his finger, ignoring the bruises. He paused as she gently moved before he sighed. He gave her one last look before he left the room to red in his own. 

•••• ••• ••••

The next morning, Ayat woke up feeling better. But her mood instantly flopped as she remember Zaryab behavior with her. However she ignored it and walked into the attached bathroom. There was a toothbrush and toothpaste already placed there for her to use. After using the bathroom she walked outside to the room and saw Eshal waiting for her on the bed. Eshal blankly started into her eyes as Ayat walked closer towards her and sat right next to her.

"I'm sorry Eshal." Ayat whispered. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, my best friend and I'm sorry I didn't take ur words in account. I'm sorry that I thought u were wrong when in reality you were right." Tears streamed out Ayat's eyes as she talked. Eshal's heart melted as she watched her best friend cry.

"It's okay." She said and pulled her best friend into a hug. Ayat smiled through her tears. It felt great to be hugged by Eshal once again.

"Chalo aao, nashta kartay hai." Ayat nodded and followed Eshal out after wiping her tears away.

(Come, let's have breakfast)

Zaryab and his parents were already seated at the table when the both of the walked in. Zaryabs eyes lifted from his plate to look at her.

And this action did not go unnoticed by Eshal.

Ayat took small morsels from her plate, aware of the strong gaze on her that hadn't wavered once. "Zaryab, beta, kuch tou kao." his mother said to him as he stood up. 

(eat something)

"Nahi, mai chalta hoon," he said to his mother, before leaving the room. Ayat's tense shoulders relaxed as he left the dining room. 

(no, I should get going)

Eshal nudged Ayat and motioned towards the food.  

Just as she was about to take another bite of her breakfast, Zaryab's voice rang out in the hallway. "Aur han, Ayat, jab main wapas aonga tum mere office mein ana." 

(and also, Ayat, once i come back, meet me in my office)

And just like that, Ayat lost her appetite.

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