Chapter 9 Operation Bearded Dragon

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I turned around and walked back into the camp, looking for Pan.

I hate to admit it but I am sort of happy to be going back to the Lost Boy camp. But first I needed to find Henry, I wasn't going to fail the others. I saw him sitting on a log talking to Pan, I hid, Pan couldn't know I was back yet. Not until I speak to Henry.

Pan finally left, I approached Henry for the first time since I had been a guest at the camp.

"Henry?" I asked. The brunette turned around, probably shocked to see a girl at a Lost Boy camp.

"Y-Y/N? Is that you?" he asked

"Yeah, listen, I'm not really supposed to be here, but I wanted to talk to you"

"What are you doing in Neverland?" he asked, ignoring my previous statement

"I'm here with my dad, and, well, your family" I answered

"I knew my moms and Grandma was here, but you and Hook? Why?" he stood up, I escorted him behind a tree so none of the Lost Boys or Pan saw us.

"We took them here, and I was about to leave but then your moms told me to come and help you, and that's why I'm here"

"You've been here before?!" he sounded more upset than confused

"Yeah, recently. But that's beside the point. Pan let me go, I have no idea how or why but I'm going to need your help. I had this whole plan, but now I can't use it 'cause I'm not supposed to be here." I explained

"What's your new plan then?"

"I'm going to be a Lost Boy," I said. Honestly, I had never really thought about this in advance but it's not that bad of a plan.

"So, let me got this straight, your going to pretend to be a boy, so you can go undercover and figure out Pan's plan for me?"


"Y/N, I can't ask you to risk yourself for me" he argued and yelled

"Keep your voice down, and it's what heroes do right? I'm tired of being the villain, I just want to be, me, Y/N Jones, a hero, and half pirate of course" I said. I sounded sincere. I didn't even know I could do that.

"Okay then, Operation Bearded Dragon is a go," he said

"Bearded Dragon?"

"Yeah, you're pretending to be a boy, and bearded dragons can change their genders" (A/N its a true fact)

"Ok then, operation Bearded Dragon has officially started, now" I stated high-fiving Henry.

A/N sorry for the short chapter but my math teacher is harsh! I also have 3 other stories I am updating daily on so that's a bonus to this. I'm thinking of going up to 15+ chapters on this story. What do you think????

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