Chapter 15 you killed him

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Henry was holding his heart, ready to give it to Pan.

But that wasn't what deepened my mood. Pan had a wide grin around his face. He was a demon, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Emma yell,


"Henry, don't do this" Regina warned

"Don't listen to them Henry, I'm the only one who's ever been honest with you" Pan put a hand on Henry's shoulder.

"Henry, listen to me, this is what Pan wants. He manipulates people." I defended.

"No, guys I'm going to save magic, I'm going to be a hero" Henry reassured, but, boy was he wrong.

"He's not using your heart for magic Henry he's using it to save himself!" I yelled

"I thought you'd be on my side after our little night together" Pan sneered at me.

"So did I, until you decided to kill a child"

"Henry, time is running out," Pan said

Then, Henry did the unfixable. He took his golden heart and put it into Pan. There was no going back now.

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