Chapter 11 a visit to dad

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But one thing that kept my mind busy was the fact that Peter admitted to me that he cared for me. What did he mean by that?

I continued to cautiously walk through the deep forest of Neverland to, in Pan's mind, look for me. Since I was supposedly looking for myself, I decided to go to the others, meaning my dad, Charming, Snow, Emma and Regina.

I approached their camp carefully, reminding myself that I was still dressed like a boy and partially unrecognizable. I saw Snow and Charming walk out from a bush they had been in, I approached them. Snow immediately raised her bow, an arrow at the ready.

"What do you want?" she confronted. I pulled down my hood so my face was visible to the duo.

"Relax, it's just me," I said, putting my hands out.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? We told you to stay with Henry" She exclaimed.

Just then, my dad, followed by Emma, came out of the same bush that Snow and Charming had just exited. I wondered if he finally kissed her.

"Y/N? What the bloody hell are you doing here? Don't get me wrong it's good to see you, but why are you here?" he was confused, that didn't surprise me one bit.

"Well, it's a long story," I said. Regina came out of one of the tents, she looked angered.

"I told you to stay with Henry! And are you with him?! No! Why are you here?!" She yelled, approaching me with a finger pointing at me in anger.

"I'm here for Henry." I simply said

"What do you mean?" it was Emma who spoke this time

I explained Operation Bearded Dragon to them, and what Pan wanted with Henry. I had also explained why I was here, and the whole 'I'm Andrew' situation. They had told me about a plan to get off the island with the help of Tinkerbell, it's been a long time since I've seen her.

"I have to go. Pan will be wondering where I am" I stated. Getting up from the log I had been sitting on previously. I hugged my dad goodbye, along with Emma, Snow and Charming, I refused to hug Regina due to the previous approach she had given me earlier.

I walked back to the Camp to find the worst thing I could have come to. Pan was glaring at me, not a good one. He looked as if he could kill me at any given moment, and the scary thing was, he could.

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