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Kamala's POV

5 days...

That's how long I have spent being cooped up in Alister's bed.

My whole day was basically the embodiment of the phrase, 'eat, sleep, repeat',and soon enough I had found myself experiencing something I had never felt in my 21 years of living.


At first. this regime was a dream come true. Some undisturbed peace after getting beaten half to death and unintentionally swallowing enough toxins to make an addict blush, sleep was the only thing I wanted to deal with at the moment.
Alister would bring his workload to the desk in his room with one eye fixed on me while finishing his tasks. The times that I actually was awake, he would occasionally toss me a tissue or two once it looked like I was about to sneeze or remind me of whichever pill I was supposed to pop then, eyes still locked on the monitor.

The doctor said I was lucky. It was mostly my spine that was impacted  without any abdominal trauma or signs of hemorrhage. I had a decent amount of broken bones on my back but none sever enough to paralyze me. I would have a slight limp for the rest of my life. I've also managed to lose a lot of blood, enough to be fatal if left untreated for any longer.

A nurse helped me stand up in the shower, my face numb as I watched the crimson liquid pour off my ankles but she assured me I wasn't bleeding anymore and the dried blood was just a souvenir of my trip.

This was silly. It was so silly. All these pharmaceuticals, attention, help... Any man or woman outside the mafia's shiny gold sheet would have killed for this. Rampages broke out over small doses of pain killers given to a sickly  older maids by their sympathetic mistresses. Cloths were torn out of the unwashed blankets of the servant quarters and wrapped around wounds as a final resource. Countless of broken bones just ignored, and all this time, all this was here. Available.

After a few days, Alister couldn't neglect his responsibilities any longer, especially with the tensions rising on the East. He would leave me with a guard who he had sworn to secrecy and eventually leave to the compound.
I would tell him I was healed by now and could get out of the bed just fine, but he would dismiss the thought, scan my body for any injury and sit right back down next to me. When I woke up, he was already gone.

That brings me here. All alone and bored out of my mind.

Well, alone may be a bit of an exaggeration. Thing 1 was here with me.
I had two guards. They took turns guarding me, with the other coming in just barely after lunch. Their job was to basically stand beside the door and glare at me for a few hours before the other would come in and fo the exact same. In an attempt of making conversation, I gradually asked for their names, as one would do. After about a minute of awkward silence, I realized I was getting ignored and neither one of them was too keen on developing a new friendship with me. The only time Thing2 bothered to speak with me was the time I tried to get out of bed to which he let out a strict, "No". Based on their refusal to tell me their names, I decided to simply call them Thing1 and Thing2, based on a children's book that I read before being held in....captivity.

Even though I harassed Alister's ears on how unnecessary the guards were, a small part of me was thankful they were there. The situation with Alvie...was not one I was forgetting any time soon. Paranoia ran in my blood and I knew without the two large men standing in my presence, I would have been constantly looking over my shoulder.

It was currently 12:30pm and I was trying to speed up the time by blankly staring up at the ceiling. It was almost time for Thing2 to change shifts and bring me my lunch. It was basically the only thing I would look forward too aside from when Alister would return. The thought made me even more depressed as I realized that this was what my life had come to.

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