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The journey back from Russia wasn't a long one and soon enough Alister was back at where it all began.

The estate.

He had no clear plan of what he was going to do about Kamala. He hoped that just going there and showing up would be enough and all would be forgotten but he knew it would take more than that.

But he was willing to try.

He had never been in a situation like this before. Earning somebody's forgiveness had never before been on his agenda and he heavily enjoyed the fearful and astonished faces that followed him wherever he went, but something about Kamala being scared of him made him furious beyond belief.

Those were the last thoughts floating around in his head before he got on to the elevator. With a bouquet of roses in his hand, he made a mental note to get Kamala a card to the elevator the second he made things right with her.

As the machine slowly ascended from one floor to the other, Alister found himself getting more and more nervous. He couldn't believe that he, someone who killed on sight without having to suffer any repercussions, was now tensing up to meet with a woman.

The elevator doors opened abruptly to reveal the polished, almost un-touched looking main lounge room of the seven-story territory. He headed straight to his bedroom, hoping that Kamala wasn't that much of an idiot to go out while he was gone.

He flung the door open but instead of seeing the face of the woman that had been in-carved in his head for the last several days, he saw two wildly frantic-looking guards hopelessly scavenging through the room. They let out a small shriek once they heard the door creak open and their heads immediately snapped to his.

"S-sir. Y-you're back."

"What exactly do you think you are doing going through my room?" Alister replied coldly. This was not who he wanted to see and seeing the two morons mindlessly probing about in his room did not appeal to his anger.

"N-no! Its not what it looks like- I.. We! We t-tried to call you...."

"So I heard. I could have you killed for that. I was in the enemy's territory, I was not in the mood to fucking gossip with either one of you."

"O-of course, sir. We deeply apologize." The guard answered, a hint of anger scraping his tone but he wasn't brave enough to it seem obvious enough for the Don to notice.

"Fucking morons." Alister growled out from under his breath. "Did I not tell you to stay with Kamala at all times! Where the fuck is she?" He yelled out getting more and more fed up with having to talk to guards while he should be winning over Kamala.

"T-that's what we wanted to talk to you about, s-sir." One of the guards gulped nervously and looked over at the other, his eyes begging him to not let him be the one to deliver the news. His efforts were deemed useless as he was still too stunned by Alister's presence in the room.

"The m-maid she-, w-we don't know where she is."

Her cheeks were still warm.

That was the first thing Tatyana noticed as she stood above Kamala's unmoving body that was now placed over what used to be a fully functioning table.

Tatyana's arrival was far from a pleasant one. She had arrived just minutes after the explosion took place.

Ruins and decays were spread around the area where the tall white house once stood, with only the slimmest of object surviving the blast. This might not have been the biggest mansion that the Vasilyevs owned but it was by far the most important. Especially on that day. Hundreds of their best and most important men gathered up in secret and while she had no idea how he found out, she knew exactly who was behind this.

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