White Lily

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Enjoy you guys

All the love and thank you for 3k !



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Tom was in his study he was thinking about his mate

He missed him, they did kiss and oh god he never felt more alive but he was scared, yes the dark Lord is scared of harry growing bored from him, or worse not liking him back, or even rejecting him, the dark Lord obviously doesn't want to die, not after all he's done and been through

So he was waiting for Harry to make another move so that he can be certain that he feels the same way..

His happy about his friend Severus, his Mate accepted him, and they are together now, although he doesn't know if Severus claimed his mate, he always gets aggressively possessive whenever he asks him but oh well, he won't bug him about it more.

But now the most important thing is to know if Harry feels the same so the first idea that popped in his head is to tease him into submission...

He went to see Harry, he knocked and waited for an answer, he heard shuffling and the door opened, and he was met face to face with his beautiful mate, he couldn't help but to crack a little smile, he cleared his throat and spoke

"Harry, care to join me for a walk ?" He said in a calm manner

Harry was taken aback by the presence of his dark Lord but after he asked him he nodded eagerly

They went to the garden walking in a comfortable silence, Tom inhaled the fresh air and turned to Harry, he looked down to see his mate looking at the flowers, he looked so beautiful his soft features and the way his eyes were glowing with admiration and his lips shaped to a beautiful smile, he wants him to be his forever.

Harry turned to meet the gaze of his Lord, he smiled shyly and felt his cheeks heat up

" Harry, how was your stay so far?" Tom asked trying to start a conversation

"It's lovely my Lord " he said smiling

"That good to hear " Tom said

Then Tom went and stood beside a flower he bent down a smelled it

He turned to look at Harry

"Do you know which flower is that Harry ?" He asked

"Umm no ... " harry said blushing

"That's a carnation .." Tom then took the flower in his hands and twirled it while looking at Harry straight in the eyes

"Carnation Harry is a flower that could signal sexual availability not only for women but for men, do you know why ? Tom asked caressing the flower still looking at Harry

Harry was blushing hard

"Why ? .. " he said eyeing the way Tom held the flower

" well In the woozy Orientalist fantasy of Guy Philpot's Après-midi Tunisien, the flowers signal the sexual availability of the two men to each other, the desire to touch each other, to pleasure one another " Voldemort said with a hungry look in his eyes

Harry was beyond turned on and he doesn't understand how talking about flower can turn him on, but that's what turned him on more, the teasing behind Tom words

He looked at Tom eyes to see them full with lust

Harry knew the game he was playing and he was trying to remember all the knowledge he knew about plants and then it clicked

He turned toward a white Lily

" As for white Lily, It signifies virginity and purity" he said hinting and he turned to look at Voldemort his breath was caught in his throat at the sight of his Lord

And Tom was looking at Harry, how his mate was blushing madly and how his eyes were heavy with lust

Tom approached Harry and spoke in his ear

Harry can feel his Lord breath ghosting his skin, which made chills go down his spine, he tried to hold the soft moan that was gonna escape and closed his eyes

" oh how I would love to ruin it purity " Tom whispered seductively in Harry's ear, smelling his mate beautiful scent

Harry couldn't hold it, he felt his knees give up on him he take hold of his lord robes and breathed heavily

"My Lord .. " he whispered breathless

Tom then took hold of Harry's neck and buried his nose to take more of his scent, he gazed his lips on Harry neck skin and he heard him gasp, the air was thick with the tension, but he wanted Harry to want him more, he held him by the waist, while Harry was breathing heavy, wanting his Lord to take him right there

"See you soon Harry " he whispered and apparated away

Harry collapsed on the floor trying to catch his breath, he can't believe what just happened, it was too much for him, he wanted Tom, he needed him, he swore he will get him soon ..

As for Tom he was once again in his study, he was overjoyed, he is now certain that Harry wants him as much as he do,

He praised himself and patted his back in a proud manner, he couldn't take that goofy smile out of his lips, he got him where he wanted to

Now it's for Harry to finish what his Lord started

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