I want you

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Today is my birthday and I feel like shit, but I promised a update and I'm here to keep my promise




Harry pov : 

We were all having dinner, i often steal some quick glances of my Lord , we didn't talk since the other day in the garden, as for Snape and Neville they look comfortable with each others, I'm happy for my best friend, he's been through a lot and he deserves all the happiness in the world... 

I was picking at my plate thinking about school, this year will be mine and Neville's 6th year and I don't know how can i survive it, it's always something new every year, I'm sick of.

As I was thinking I was snapped out of it with a question I really was not ready to answer 

Third pov : 

"Harry ?" Tom said to Harry noticing that he was not eating and seeming to be in deep thoughts

Harry looked at his lord, smiled than answered 

"Yes my Lord ?" Harry said 

"You seem troubled, is everything okay ? Tom said 

Neville who was moaning over a peace of  blueberry cheesecake looked at Harry and gave him a puzzled look 

Snape who was lost gazing at Neville and admiring his mate beauty, simply kept doing just that.

"Um .. no, I was just thinking about this year, and me facing that old git " 

"Oh Harry, I'll be there with you, and I will do whatever to protect you, you know that right ?" Neville said 

Harry felt angered, he is not a pathetic weak person, he is a Wizard, and he knows his powers.

 He was mad 

"Well excuse me Neville, but I can take care of my self! " he snapped at neville 

Neville looked taken back

Snape glared at Harry for snapping at his mate like that,

Tom sat there studying harry,

" now if you will excuse me, it seems that I'm done eating. " he glared at every one of them, 

As Harry stood the chair he was sitting on flew across the room, he clenched his hand and stormed towards his room 

Neville stood up to follow him, but Tom stopped him saying he will go talk to him.. 

Snape stood and held Neville by the waist and said 

"Come darling, my Lord knows what to do, .. come, let's get you to your bed "

Neville smiled sadly and kissed Snape in the cheeks 

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