Good Morning

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Sorry for the late update

Enjoy this chapter ✨




When Neville woke up the next morning he found himself engulfed by two arms that belongs to the one and only Severus Snape

He then remembered the events of the night before and started chuckling about how wicked his plan was...

 he was finally able to touch his lover, and let his mate Claim him, 

He turned slowly to look at Severus, he saw him sleeping mouth slightly apart and his eyelashes resting on his cheeks, he looks so beautiful...

Neville started to draw random shapes on Severus's chest, he liked this, he liked how safe he was feeling at the moment, he liked this kind of happiness, he liked being needed and loved ..

 he never thought he'd ever find a mate, but then he did, and it turned out to be someone he loved for a very long time, he is so grateful to lady magic for this opportunity.

Neville was lost in thought and then he felt his lover move a little meaning he is starting to wake up, 

He looked at up and smiled at his mate 

"Good morning love" Neville said softly 

"Good morning Darling" Severus said still eyes closed and smiling 

Neville shivered at Severus morning voice, if you thought that his normal voice was sexy, well bitch this was a whole new world 

Neville kissed Severus in his chest and tried to get out of bed to start his day but two strong hands stopped him 

" And where do you think you're going Nev?" Snape said while pulling neville closer 

"Well I have to go pack for Hogwarts and I need to get some work done " neville said, but deep down he just wanted to cuddle all day 

"Oh none of that love, my creature is screaming at me to keep you in my arms and nobody is to be near you " Severus said fully awake now 

"But surely you're joking right ?.. Right ? " Neville said surprised 

"Nope " Snape said popping the P

"Seriously ? " Neville whined 

"Yes love, I will remind you that I'm a  vampire, so leaving you alone or next to anyone after we mated is honestly impossible, also I'll be informing the dark lord and we will be staying here the two of us, not leaving this chamber, under any circumstances, do you understand love ? " Snape said caressing Neville's back 

"I understand, and to be honest I really just want to cuddle but how long are we staying here, Hogwarts starts after a week " Neville said snuggling closer to Snape finding comfort in the embrace

" Until my creature is calm enough to let you go wander alone, which will take a very long time, I don't think we will make it to Hogwarts in time, I'll have to owl the headmaster and tell him that I will be absent, as for you love I don't think it's safe for you to go back, not with that git still in those grounds " Snape said 

"Oh but Severus I'll have to go back, I really want to finish my studies" Neville said 

" Don't worry love, I'll find a solution but now let's just cuddle and stay in bed" Snape said kissing Neville's forehead 

"Okay, i love you Severus, I think I'll take a nap" Neville said yawning, it was too comfortable that he felt sleepy again 

" Sleep my love, I'll be next to you when you'll wake up, love you too " he gave him a kiss to the lips, and watched and Neville drifted back to sleep 

Snape casts his patronus and sends it toward Tom's to inform him that they will be absent and explains the situation .

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