Tommy boy

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I'm sorry this chapter is so short,

I'm currently having writers block
Especially for this story I don't know where to go from here

So if you guys have any suggestions PLEASE write them or DM if you like .. I don't know .. I don't want to fail you guys, and I took notice of how many people actually like this fanfiction, and I'm so grateful for that ..

So if you like please comment your suggestions or what you would like to see in future chapters,

Thank you

All the love in the world




Voldy pov:


I was cuddling with my sleeping mate when Snape's patronus came into the room to inform me about some great news .. 

He finally claimed his mate,

 well he didn't say much more about the subject, but he did say that he will not be sending Neville to Hogwarts this year, and I agree with him.

 that old git is still running around being the great headmaster everyone is foolish enough to think he is .. 

And for me I think that.. no I know that I'm not gonna let Harry go either but I'm not gonna force him to stay if he does not wish to .. 

As for my plan to kill Dumbledore, well I do have my 2 secret weapons if you'd like to call them that, as they are pretty secret and so very much needed amongst my trustworthy people .. 

And also let's not forget about the Malfoy kid, I did assign him the job, but I'm afraid he's too much of a innocent to do it.. 

Obviously I do not question his loyalty, knowing that he was the one suggesting to be one of my followers.

 I'll admit that the boy is just like Severus, great in potion, and a good healer for our coven, but he is no killer.. 

So that's why I asked my two most trusted followers to do the job if Draco failed to do so .. 

But Harry, I know he is powerful, heck he is more powerful that the old git assumes him to be, but my selfish self will not allow even the possibility of any harm towards him, 

Third pov: 

Tom got lost in his thoughts, until he felt his mate shifting indicating he is starting to wake up 

Tommy boy looked at his mate and smiled, he finally could call him his, after all the waiting he had done, and all the years he thought he hated him .. 

He is finally happy,

"Good morning love " Tom said 

Harry smiled in his sleep 

" Good morning my Lord" harry mumbled 

"Tom" tommy boy said 

Harry chuckled

"I was not dreaming then " Harry opened his eyes and looked at Tommy boy 

"Good morning Tom " harry smiled and kissed Tommy boy in the lips 

Tom hummed 

"Hmmm more like it " 

Broken Horcrux (tomarry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz