🥀 Chapter 55 🥀

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Dim peace or bright peace? Dim peace. There was someone waiting with an umbrella under the rain. The smell of damp moss had taken over all of the fresh air completely and was so strong that moss was almost growing on the person's nose. The floor itself was covered in water, to the point it was seeping in ones boots. They didn't care though for they felt content with such a dim, yet calming, scenery. One was not waiting for something to happen but was just standing there for the joy of it. The rain's sound offered tranquility in the small forest. It also offered water for the plants and trees to grow even taller than they were now. The vines intertwined with the trees and the flowers brushing against the leaves would flourish and bloom even more. The soft tapping of the rain slumping on the umbrella was one of the only noises that could be heard in the forest. The umbrella was just merely covering one's head, but the rain flowing down was visible in front of them. For some reason the rain that others ran from when they didn't have an umbrella felt nice to be in. Despite the water infesting their shoes and their clothes getting slightly soaked, it was a change of scenery to just stand there. Nothing was going on in the forest except for the rain and it felt peaceful. Bright peace. It was one laying on the vibrant grass on a summer's morning, seeing the sun's rays cascade through the tree's canopies. The flowers dug into one's neck as they relaxed there silently. The two sceneries were so different but gave off the same calmness. It was interesting to see how the rain bought a certain calmness and yet the sun did too. Two polar opposites emitting the same radiance was peculiar to say the least. It just showed how two things could be so different and yet show similar aspects. Though in my opinion, that was not very common to see. I hummed. This was definitely different and could possibly be too different to actually get used to. Despite being wealthy and coming from a wealthy family, I had never done much with the money I was given. I didn't exactly know what to do with the money anyways and I felt foolish if I were to wave it in a shop's face. However, being slightly wealthy and being royal were two different things to be very clear. Royalty got everything they wanted, just like how this whole centre is empty. Not only that, but the places royalty go to are equally different. Their styles are different as well. They're so lavish and exotic, I mean even the gold stitching on Izuru's suit is so luxurious. A tailor's consisted of people who listened to your every word as if it were a law before taking your measurements and conjuring up a suit fit for a star. From the fabric used to the stitching, the tailor would find something suitable for ones needs. This was entirely different to what I was used to and it almost made me nervous. I looked around the tailor's, to be totally honest, I had never been into one. Perhaps it would be better to say that I had never been to a clothes shop this fancy. The walls were made out of chrysoprase which reminded of fresh lime grown on a summers morning. I looked down and tapped my foot. The floor though wasn't as extravagant as the walls for it was made out of ebony wood. That type of wood was one of the darkest woods I had ever seen. It was almost pitch black if it weren't for the clear tint of brown pasted on it. However to hide such plainness, there was a polypropylene mint rug gliding across the wood. The rug was so extensive and didn't let the wood even have a glimpse of spotlight. Such a rug was probably the main reason why I couldn't hear my own footsteps. I looked around the place we had just entered. There were two black clothes racks that barely had any clothes on them except for a few suits. The suits were a burnt sienna, which was already an extravagant colour, and they were embroidered with such elegant stitching that it made the suit unique. The stitching swirled and rippled into brocade patterns and the suit next to it had the same pattern but with different colours. The threads of the stitching looked so thin that I was almost worried they would break. The stitching reminded me of water with the way it was sewed. Water can twist and turn in all sorts of directions, it's movement was flexible and it was incredible that the stitching showed the same essence. The designer of these clothes was clearly talented. The clothes racks on the right seemed to be placed slightly crooked, as if someone had pushed them. There was only two velvet black chairs and they were on the left side. The rest of the shop were filled with shelves that were filled with shirts of all colours and sizes. Though, the shelves were shielded with glass so that no one could touch the shirts. The tailor must be conscious of someone touching their displays. It was clear that the same demon had made all of these clothes. I glanced to the left. There's just something that I can't pin point about the clothes. My eyes looked at the clothes racks. The suits, they all seem so familiar. Izuru sighed and folded his arms, he glanced at his watch and shook his head. I tilted my own head with confusion as no one was here. Normally, the demons who worked in the shops would bounce rapidly to their feet when Izuru walked in. Though, this demon that we were so patiently waiting for decided to take their sweet time. Izuru turned around with a hint of annoyance and walked ever so slowly up to one of the shelves. He raised his hand and his finger was about to touch the glass when a demon rushed through the main doors of the shop and glared at him. Izuru stopped his hand mid air and turned around to have a look at the visitor. There stood a lady, with short black hair and a glare equally terrifying to Izuru's. The demon wore a blazer that was the perfect size of her arms, not even an inch of fabric stretching to her hand. Along with her blazer, she wore a white satin shirt that matched her trousers. Her grey eyes seemed lifeless except for the anger bubbling in them in the current moment. The demon folded her arms and stepped forward.
"Don't touch that. You know that I don't like other demons touching my stuff," she muttered and sighed while putting a hand on her head as if she had a headache. I raised an eyebrow. This demon seems rather alarming to be a tailor but it would seem that she's the one we wanted to see. She looked at me for a moment, analysing my face before turning to Izuru.
"I would have not needed to retort to such matters if you came on time," Izuru shrugged and walked over to my side. I scratched my head. I guess that Izuru was only pretending to touch the glass to get this tailor here. She clearly doesn't like others touching objects in her shop. The tailor made a distorted face and her hand twitched as if she were going to break something. I took a step back, alarmed.
"The one thing Mukuro hates most is others touching her designs in her shop. She is the one, after all, who both designs and makes these clothes," Izuru faced me while giving me a small piece of her background. The tailor, Mukuro, nodded and seemed calmer. I put a finger on my chin. It's clear that she's the one who embroidered all of the suits. I furrowed my eyebrows. Honestly, I can't see her being the type of demon to sit down and sew.
"I could sense someone touching one of my belongings ten miles away. I ran all the way here when I got the same feeling," she groaned and walked past us. She carefully examined the glass Izuru was about to touch, rubbing it with her sleeve before nodding. Mukuro turned around and gave us a monotonous frown.
"What do you want designed this time? I know your measurements Izuru, but I will need to measure him," she pointed at me and then proceeded to try and find something in her blazer. I raised an eyebrow. I don't understand why she would need to measure me. I thought that we were here just for Izuru. She pulled out what seemed to be a tiny notebook and rapidly flipped through the pages. I'm guessing that's all of her customers' measurements. Despite being intimidating, she seems to take pride in her work. I gave Mukuro a contorted look.
"Alright, that is fine. Nagito, you are okay with Mukuro taking your measurements, right?" Izuru questioned me while wandering over to the delicate suits I had previously admired.
"I thought that we were only here for you," I mumbled and turned to him. Mukuro had seemed to vanish for a second before returning with a tape measure.
"No, we are on a day out. You will receive a suit too, it is only fair," he replied briefly, before glazing a hand over the brocade patterns. I stared at him for a moment before someone abruptly made my arm lift up. I jolted my head to the side, bewildered. Mukuro was stretching out a black tape measure and staring at it intently. I hadn't even realised that she was there. She was so fast, that it was shocking.
"You take too long making decisions. I'm already taking your measurements so hold still," Mukuro muttered at me. I bit my lip, holding myself from frowning at her. I wonder if it was that I was too slow or she was too quick. Though, I guess that one should be quick with their decisions rather than dwelling on them for a long amount of time.

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