🥀 Chapter 57 🥀

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Enduring love or enduring hate? Enduring love. It is important to cherish those who have stood by you despite the embrace of the winds. If the breeze turned into a hurried and wild hurricane and you felt as if you were about to fall, that person should stand right by your side and help you get up. The winds would slow down and you would suddenly come back to your senses, only to realise that if it weren't for that person, you may have just lost yourself completely. Your partner, your love should be able to do that countless times. To be in a relationship with someone for a long amount of time means nothing. It is how your relationship has matured and grown that matters. Enduring love is the type of love that has gone beyond the paths of friendship and romantic love. Only to enter a path in which the two people know that they will be spending the rest of their lives together and only together. The ancient Greeks thought of this enduring love to be known as pragma. Pragma is the type of love that is practical and glistening with dedication. Such commitment leaves behind two people who have given it their very all and maintained the relationship they wanted. To water and nurture something for so long, leads to a fully bloomed rose with snipped thorns. That rose would offer bliss and ecstasy because it had reached its full potential and relationships twinkling with pragma would do the same. The ancient Greeks found such a relationship built with duty, dedication and understanding, fascinating and bewildering. Enduring hate. To not be able to breathe, to not be able to look at, to not be able to communicate, were three factors you would feel towards someone you hate. Hating someone a large quantity for so long was just like hearing a misplayed violin. Whenever you would see them, you would hear it. That squeaky noise running through your eardrums and making you hate that person even more. However, today was not about hating people or demons or angels, for today was Valinime. An event hosted for all of the different kinds of love. Bright love, childish love, enduring love or even growing love. Valinime was the yearly celebrated event by the demons. In Heaven, we never had such a thing despite being the realm that was considered full of happiness and affection. Kirumi, being the efficient demon she is, decided to postpone the competitions until the event was over so that she could work on this year's event. Us contestants complied without a complaint especially because she seemed so adamant on making it the best Valinime yet. She had that glint in her eyes of inspiration and desire to make it extravagant. I smiled as I finally finished eating breakfast with Kiibo by my side, talking away as if someone was going to zip his mouth shut the next second. I had not revealed the news to Kirumi nor Kiibo yet that I have told Izuru I'm an angel, but I do wish to tell them soon. I hummed and nodded to Kiibo, despite not exactly listening to what he was saying. Though, when I tell them both depends on when Izuru and I are finished for the day which may be too late. After all, I will officially be his date for whatever event Kirumi has planned. However, from what I have already seen of the decorations, it was going to be a grand and ostentatious event. For, this morning when I had walked out of my room, I was met with the abrupt surprise of some red object flying past my face. It turns out that the whole palace, every single room and hallway, had been filled with enthralling crimson sky lanterns. The hallways were dripping with the lanterns that looked like an awakening of red fireflies in the dead of night. The sky lanterns had minuscule scented candles in the middle of them. The scent had base notes of caramel and high notes of rose and jasmine along with a hint of patchouli for a fresh touch. This mixed scent had whiffed its way throughout the palace and even into the dining hall where I was currently residing in now. I haven't seen Izuru or Kirumi yet, I wonder what they are doing. Well, I can only imagine that Kirumi is setting up that venue she had talked to me about because of my lie. I made a contorted frown as I glanced to the side of the table. To be honest, I should have really told her what happened after the competition sooner, but then again she's been so busy. I looked down at the white, yet colourful, suit I was wearing. As per planned, I wore the attire we had purchased from that tailor on our day out. Izuru had given me the blazer that had had more mint green splashes of colour than plum, I truly didn't mind either of them though. Kiibo snapped his fingers together abruptly right in front of my eyes. I jolted and shook out of my thoughts before swiftly turning my head at him.
"Nagito, I think that someone is walking over to us," Kiibo mumbled and waved a metal hand in my face. I stared at him slightly perplexed with a raised eyebrow. He pointed at the main doors where Izuru was briskly walking over to us, with the same suit that I was wearing on. I smiled, I'm glad that we got the same suits for Valinime because it made the event a little drop more special. To tell the perfect truth, Izuru looked flawless in the suit compared to myself. It was something about the perfect dimensions, specifically the length of his suit that Mukuro had managed to make the tips of the blazer just glaze the floor but not touch it any longer. Perhaps that was not it, but in reality, it was the colours of the suit winding around each other in such an organised manner that made the suit look faultless. I tilted my head to the right. In the end though, I think that it's truly because Izuru makes everything he wears impeccably stylish. Izuru's footsteps were only heard by the few demons in the dining hall for the others had gone to do their own activities by themselves.
"Apologies Kiibo, but I may have to borrow Nagito for the whole day, Izuru spoke formally before pausing. "If you do not mind."
Kiibo's eyes glanced from Izuru to me, as if he were wondering why Izuru had asked him such a question in the first place. Kiibo tilted his head and looked sheepishly at the floor.
"Of course, I'm done talking anyways," he answered with a tinted smile. I frowned when Kiibo mentioned that he had finished talking. Even though my ears were only listening ever so slightly, I can recall that he was about to talk about a whole new topic. Though, I don't think that Kiibo would have protested against Izuru about me going. After all, not everyone is exactly as familiar with Izuru such as I. Majority of them still hadn't even talked to him. My frown quickly slipped into a smile.
"It was nice talking to you Kiibo, we'll talk more later," I insisted while getting up slowly from my chair. He nodded in return, however, he seemed rather aloof. Izuru turned around and started to walk towards the main doors of the hall. I waved slightly to Kiibo while carefully walking backwards, before turning and fastening my pace to match Izuru's. Izuru tilted his head to the side before pushing the door open for both of us to go through. I hummed and manoeuvred myself out of the doors and towards the strong scent of the lanterns. I don't even know where we're going yet or what we are doing. Despite still being in the unknown, today is going to be an euphoric day and I just know it.

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