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Shiro was... quiet.

That was probably the best way to explain it.

He was awkward and quiet, a bit on the shy side, but he seemed nice enough.

He actually seemed far too nice for his own good, but that wasn't really a problem.

Sugawara sighed lightly to himself, looking over to the doors that Daichi had shoved Hinata and Kageyama out of. He knew that the two of them were planning something and that something probably wasn't any good.

With another sigh, he looked away from the door back over to Shiro. The male was tall, taller than anyone on their team, but he was so soft with the way he talked that he seemed more like a big dog. A big, sweet dog.

He was currently sitting in a corner of the gym, a bulky pair of headphones on with a large book across his lap. He'd explained that he was mostly there for moral support of Hinata, Shoyo, and that he'd do what he could to help but would most likely be working on homework.

"So," Daichi said softly, "what do you think of him?" Sugawara looked from his friend back over to the blind male, watching as he stretched his arms up before going back to his book.

"He seems nice, but I'm afraid he might get hurt..." Tanaka was now over with Shiro, the blind male looking awkwardly up with his headphones around his neck as the other male talked about something. He didn't seem annoyed, but Sugawara knew the look of someone that didn't want to be rude when they needed to get back to something. 

Sugawara knew that blind people were capable of taking care of themselves, but he couldn't help but worry. Volleyball was a sport that when something went wrong that meant the ball went flying, and if Shiro couldn't see an incoming ball then it could end in a disaster.

"Whoa! Dude are those tattoos!?"

Sugawara and Daichi turned to see Tanaka holding onto Shiro's arm, said male looking mildly uncomfortable as Tanaka pushed his sleeve up. Shiro had taken his school jacket off, leaving him in a grey hoodie, sleeves pushed up to his elbows.

From where they stood Suga and Daichi could see the black lines across pale skin, more and more of them coming to light as Tanaka pestered the other male to take his hoodie off.

Shiro had gotten up to take the hoodie off, now standing in a baggy tank top and school slacks. The black markings covered his arms and what they could see of his back, but they looked... wrong.

"Whoa, dude, what's up with your skin?" Shiro moved to "Look" at Tanaka, his free hand coming up to feel what the other male had felt.

"Oh, it's uh, Chemical burn from my accident," he vaguely motioned to his eyes before rubbing awkwardly at his neck. "The marks must be from Natsu coloring on my skin again."

Shiro was blushing, a dark color against the alabaster of his skin. It was... endearing?

It made him look impossibly soft to Sugawara. Sweet and shy in one package that included awkward and tall.

Shiro was cute.

Sugawara felt as if a lead weight had dropped in his stomach.

If Daichi ever got wind of Sugawara even thinking Shiro was cute or whatever he'd never let it go.

"Well," Daichi clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention, "let's actually start practice now." Tanaka nodded, saying something to Shiro before running off.

Suga moved to go join Tanaka with stretches, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Turning around he met Daichi's gaze, realizing he was an open book and the other male knew exactly what had been going through his head.

I'm Blind, Not GlassWhere stories live. Discover now