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The bathroom was quiet and awkward. Cold and barren, the fluorescent lights flickering, and Shiro found himself in the handicap stall with Sugawara beside him.

The bathroom had been Sugawara's idea, mostly because he hadn't wanted to question Shiro about what they were doing in front of others, but now he almost wished he'd done it then.

Being in a small, enclosed space with your crush was never a good idea.

"I have to what now?"

Shiro hadn't really explained what he'd meant that night, considering he'd had a sleepy child in his arms and a first-year to get home, but now Sugawara was wishing he'd just said it all right then and there.

"I need you to give me insulin shots before lunch," Shiro sighed, wanting to rub his eyes but unfortunately his hands were currently full. In one was a blue cylinder, a small thing probably only the width of his middle finger but probably twice the length, in the other was a plastic bag full of small orange objects.

"I have to stab you!?" Suga whisper shouted as if had been caught red-handed in a crime, and Shiro found himself sighing for the nth time they'd entered the bathroom. "No Suga," he managed to get out, "you're not actually stabbing me, it doesn't even hurt."

Shiro couldn't see it, but Sugawara's face was doing strange things. He was blushing harshly, from being in such close proximity to Shiro in a secluded place, but his face had also lost most of its color somehow. The blood had drained from his face at the idea of having to stab anything into Shiro, and his eyes had widened dramatically at the thought.

Sugawara knew he looked dumb at the moment, but his brain was currently misfiring and he could bring himself to care.

"Look," Shiro said softly, "if you can't do it, that's fine. I can get the nurse to do it." The silver-haired male blinked at Shiro's words. The nurse was clear across the school, on the other side of campus actually, so that idea wasn't actually very feasible for Shiro.

"No," he finally managed to get out, "it's fine, I'll do it." Shiro sighed, shoulders slumping in obvious exhaustion. "You don't gotta push yourself Suga, it's fine if you can't do it."

The vice-captain blinked again, a sense of indignation filling his stomach. "I can do it!" he said firmly, reaching out to practically rip the blue cylinder from Shiro's hand. The taller of the two tried and failed, to muffle his laughter, causing Suga's face to return to its everpresent blush.

"It can't be that hard," Sugawara said, mostly to himself, but Shiro hummed in agreement. "All you gotta do is put one of these orange caps on the end and stab it into my thigh." Nodding, Suga reached out to grab the bag of orange things from Shiro, fumbling as he hooked on onto the end of the blue thing. With the orange part attached a needle slid out of the blue thing, and it made a bit more sense now.

The blue thing was a button basically, big enough to fit comfortably in his hand with his thumb on the end, while the orange thing wasn't actually orange, it was just orange tinted foil on the end of it. The "orange things" were clear little things that fit on the end of the blue syringe, full of some liquid that Sugawara suspected was pre-dosed insulin, and with it clipped onto the open end of the syringe a needle popped out.

It was all sterile, and all ready. Now all he had to do was actually stab this thing into Shiro where he was supposed to.

Looking back over to Shiro, Suga decided that no, he actually couldn't do this.

Shiro was standing there, face carefully blank, but it was blazing red. He was so obviously embarrassed if the slouch of his shoulders and the violent blush across his cheeks were anything to go by, but Sugawara was feeling himself fall into the same boat.

Shiro had, for honestly obvious reasons Suga had glanced over, lowered his school slacks to his knees.

Sugawara wasn't seeing anything naughty, per se, but it was definitely a shock to his system. All that he was seeing was pale, marred skin, and a pair of black boxer briefs.

"Suga?" Shiro questioned after a few moments of slow silence. He sounded unsure and the shorter male wanted to punch himself. Of course, Shiro was unsure! He'd just gotten the okay from Suga, and then he'd frozen at the sight of his legs.

Dear lord Sugawara needed to get ahold of his head and thoughts these days.

"Sorry," he managed to get out, "sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to just drop your pants." Shiro's plush seemed to rage harder, harsh against his cheeks and traveling down his neck and most likely farther.

But how much farther?

Sugawara shook his head, taking a single step forward. "So what all do I need to do?" Shiro's shoulders relaxed just a little bit and the silver-haired male took that as a win. "I just need to clean the spot and then you inject it into my thigh and we're done."

Nodding despite Shiro not being able to see it he watched as the taller male pulled a small packet out of his hoodie pocket, a little alcohol wipe that he ripped open and wiped down a small portion of his thigh with. With slightly shaking hands Sugawara stepped up, right next to Shiro, close enough that all he could focus on was the other boy.

Gently, as gently as one could with a syringe, Sugawara pushed the needle into Shiro's thigh, releasing the insulin into his system, and removing it once done.

It was a horrifying act, and an adrenaline rush all in one.

Sugawara felt like he was on top of the world and at the bottom of the ocean all at once. There was a small bit of blood beading at the sight of the injection, and Suga wanted to wipe it away, but before he could unscramble his brain enough to get his hands to move Shiro wiped it away with another alcohol wipe.

The bathroom stall felt too small and far too big at the same time like he was being consumed by the ground below him but the silver-haired male couldn't dare to drag his gaze away from Shiro.

The blind male still had a flush across his cheeks and ears, but the color was slowly receding up his neck, slowly fading. He was currently pulling his pants back up, an almost dirty action that made Suga want to run, but he couldn't bring himself to.

This was probably the only time he'd get with Shiro today, the only time he'd get him to himself. He was around Shiro a lot, in practice and after, but they were never alone.

Being alone seemed a bit dangerous now.

"Sugawara," Shiro said after a while, finally dragging said male out of his swirling thoughts. Shiro was put back together again, pants up and shirt tucked in, hoodie hanging low. It looked as if nothing had ever happened, except now Suga knew what Shiro looked like when flushed and embarrassed.

"Can you grab my cane, I think it slid down the wall." Suga nodded automatically, eyes slowly trailing down to the floor, only seeming to register the words when he noticed that yes, the white and red striped cane was sitting on the floor.

"Right," he said, shaking his head as he grabbed the cane. The sharp movement seemed to wake his brain back up, a dark flush crawling up his neck. "Right." He guided the cane into Shiro's hands, the taller male awkwardly stuffing his free hand in his pockets after making sure the little bag that held his insulin and needles was secure over his shoulder.

Sugawara opened the stall door, doing a double take of the room to make sure it was empty before gently dragging the taller male out.

What an odd way to start off the lunch period, right?


I know it's shorter than normal, I'm so sorry, but we hit 3 weeks again since I'd updated and I felt bad. Also! I've decided that updates are gonna come out on Sunday! So I'm actually done with this early, but I wanna give myself a little bit of time to get started on the next chapter before throwing this one out.

Anyways! tell me what you thought, tell me your ideas or reaction! Thank you so much for reading this!]

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