Chapter 24

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Joe is awesome. He was crucial to the story tho. I mentioned him a bit. THE SHARK!!! IT BIT MA FOOOOOT!!!! SOMEONE BITE MY OTHER FOOT OFF FOR ME SO THE BLEEDING STOPS!!!!!!

What is his problem? "Try to kill me. You know what? Spar me. No weapons just natural abilities that you most likely don't possess. You can probably guess I don't possess any uncanny abilities either." (Hehe. Anyone get it? Itsa dumb one. Like the rest.)

"Sure. If I win, I kill you. If you win, you may stay. But that does not mean that I will be nice to you. I still think you are a waste of time and matter." I nodded in agreement.

"Deal. Where do we go to spar?" He waved his hand to signify where we will go.

"In here is fine. Feel free to exit the area. If you can't stand the cold, give up. The roof is missing so your senses are thrown off, got it?"

"Sure. I guess this is fine," I responded. We got into position and he rushed toward me. I flew up to dodge. In the air, I tucked into my stomach, flipped, and was in the air with my knees in my chest. I was behind Damian and I wasn't facing him. I extended my feet and practically donkey kicked him in the back. He fell over from me using full force. If I'm being honest, I did not go easy on him at all. He is being very bratty so this is clearly not gonna happen. "You ok, Bird boy?" I asked with a devilish grin as I floated next to him on the ground.

"Bird boy? What do you mean? And what planet are you from?" Riiiight! He doesn't know who his dad is (fricking bastard) yet. He isn't Robin, either.

"I'm from Krypton," I told him carelessly. You know, I'm sure he has Kryptonite and is about to stab me with it.

"Then this comes in handy." He pulled out these Kryptonite knuckles with spikes on them. (Batman has them if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

"Woah, where did you get that? I only know one person who has that and you don't know them." Yet. It's Batman. He used the same knuckles on Superguy when he was under Poison Ivy's control. (Batman: Hush)

"Maybe I have friends who acquired some." I walked up to Damian, freezing him in place except for his head. I looked at it in his hand, studying its appearance.

"Synthetic green Kryptonite. Who gave it to you?" He was gritting his teeth from frustration as he tried to escape from my hold. "Here." I blood bent his arm up so I could get a better look at it. "Ok, I can tell that this was made by a powerful source. Not a born power, but given. Being an expert on Kryptonite, I believe you have a person who has figured out how to produce this specific type. Am I right?" He smirked and nodded. "Oh wait a second, no one on this planet knows what Krypton is yet. Let me recap for you. Krypton is a planet I am native to. It was just destroyed a several hours no- minutes ago. Me and one other of my kind have landed here to help your sad planet. Therefore, you have no Kryptonite. I'm not sure what that even is, to be honest. Kryptonite has a distinctive golden glow to it." I showed him.

"You are gloating a lot. You have issues." He hit me with that!

"Well you have daddy issue- not yet." I'm an idiot.

"You seem to know a lot about me, Marinette. Tell me, why have you come here? You did not come to save us. Your friend may have but not you. Only an idiot would land in my mountains." No, no. He has a point.

"I actually don't know much about you. I just met you but I know your fighting techniques well. Your grandfather taught you well."

"I don't remember telling you it was my grandfather who trained me. I didn't even say if I was trained or not. You are being very suspicious right now. I will have to throw you out soon."

"Promise not to tell?" He nodded. "I am from around 10 years in the future. I was trained by your mother and was sent to Paris. I later went to Gotham and met you. Again. I knew you from somewhere but wasn't sure. I killed my best friend in front of you, broke your hand, and got so mad at you that I tried to restart my life with you again. Now I am here with your younger self. Originally, we did meet today. Just the day has been extremely weird. Your mother was being extremely nice which wasn't how she was the first time. You were very nice to me the first time. Now you are being rude and bratty. You feel more like an enemy to me than a partner."

"Wow. So you came here because I wasn't good enough? Or was it your fault?"

"It was mine. I thrashed out at you and ran away as planned. I actually wanted to redo my life with you remembering who I was because then we could restart." I was on the brink of tears. I became weak and released him from my hold. I was now on the floor, looking down at my knees. Damian came down to my level  and touched my shoulder. His hand lingered as I looked up at his eyes. His perfect, pure emerald eyes.

"Good thing you did."

"What? How? Give me proof. Say something future Damian knows."

"One word: Buttercups," he responded. I grabbed his neck and hugged him. I cried tears of joy.

"How did you get here? Bunnyx would've never let you."

"She didn't. I found someone else to help."


"Now that is a secret. It has to be kept. Speaking of which, you really are bad at hiding secrets. If 10 year old Damian knew that you knew his birth father, he would threaten you until you gave the answer of who and where he was."

"Fair enough. I will work on that."

"We have 10 years for you to do that. You should start immediately."

"Very funny. Let's go enjoy our rewind and fix all my dumb mistakes." I laughed. Thinking about what I left behind, Quinn is asleep on my sofa, I never battled Pennyworth for the kitchen, and I hadn't told Jon where I went for the past week. I have a lot of fixing to do this second time around...

Hehe. Thanks for reading!!! I really do hope you enjoyed my first story. I have a ton of ideas for future ones. I have like I think 9 or 10. I will be writing them soon! I'm sorry if I did an annoying ending. I am good at starting stuff but finishing isn't my best ability. I promise, I'm working on it. Thanks for the votes and I loved the people who interacted with my story by commenting and voting. I can't wait to write another story and I will probably do some editing on this one. Byyyeeeeeee!!!!! Also, sorry. I suck at endings and I don't want y'all on a cliffhanger.

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