Six| Crimson Red

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Third Person POV

Chapter Six
Crimson Red!

(Mentions self-harm, panic attacks & anxiety)

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(Mentions self-harm, panic attacks & anxiety)


CRIMSON RUBY RED BLOOD SOAKED THROUGH HER CLOTHES, HER EYELIDS FLUTTERED, desperate to stay open. Slowly, the eyes began turning glossy, as they started to lose the little brightness they had remaining in them.

Shelia was still as beautiful as ever, her hair laid effortlessly around her head as she stayed paralysed on the hard pavement floor. The connecting with the cobblestone floor, slowly killing her. The tears in her eyes began to dry up, as her sound drained out of her.

A scream erupted from Ryder's mouth, as he watched his love live her last moments thirty-nine feet below him.

Ryder shot up in his bed, sweat covered his forehead as his breathing was heavy. He was overall confused, why did he dream that?

It was just a nightmare.

Nerves began to swell up inside of him. Reaching over to his desk he grabbed his phone of the edge calling Hunter, it rang a few times till he picked up.

"Dude what the fuck, it's literally — two in the morning, why are you calling me?" Hunter tiredly spoke into the phone.

"Sorry man, just making sure Shelia's good, right? She's in her bed...asleep?" He questioned, after realising how ridiculous he sounded.

"Uh yeah, I think..." Hunter replied, almost sounding unsure. "Let me check, just to be sure. You know?"

Ryder could hear rustling, hinting he must be getting out of bed. Soon it was replaced with footsteps and a door creaking opening.

"Shelia stop!" The blonde heard his friend express panicked, before the line cut off with three beeps. A frown over took his face, before it was soon replaced with worry. Getting up he quickly threw on some clothes since he slept in his boxers.

Rushing down stairs, he blocked out the yells of his tired parents, along with younger brother who had woken up from his loud movements. Opening the front door he slammed it shut, unlocking his car.

Driving slightly over the speed limit, he pulled in front of the mansion he had gotten ever so used to. Putting the car into park, Ryder ran up to the front door knocking on it frantically.

"Hunter! Hunter open the door! Bro, open this fucking—" he shouted, continuously pounding on the front door until a stressed looking Hunter opened it.

"Fucking hell are you trying to wake my whole neighbourhood? Come in." The brunette whisper-shouted to his friend, as he stepped through the door.

"Why did you end the call like that? What happened to Shelia? Is she okay?" Ryder rushed out, desperate to know if she was alright.

"She's throwing up right now. I walked in on her taking a handful of pills, and her wrists were all bloody, and—and I don't know what to do anymore Ryder." Hunter broke down in front of his friend. 

Taking his best-friend into his arms, Ryder patted his back, as he tried to comfort him the best he could knowing how much he cared about his sister.

"You know you're so lucky to have a sister that appreciates you, who looks up to you." Ryder began to express to him, unsure how to comfort someone, he had never been put in this position.

"Go check up on her, and I'll get us some beers from the fridge," his voice was a soft as he could achieve, trying to display the sympathy he felt.

Nodding his head, Hunter went to go upstairs to check on his sister when Shelia came down. Walking past them into the kitchen, which caused the two boys to follow after her.

They were all in the kitchen, in an awkwardly comfortable silence. Out of the corner of his eye Ryder could see Shelia's hands shaking as she picked up the kettle.

Silently, he alerted Hunter who went to go over to his sister. Shaking his head, Ryder stopped him, which made him shoot the blonde a confused look.

"Wait a minute." He mouthed out to his friend, replying to the confused look he gave him when he stopped him.

Picking up her mug, her hands still shaking before it fell from her grasp, shattering into tiny pieces. Both boys rushed over to her as she fell to her knees picking up the glass shards crying, repeating the same words, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't hate me please, I'm sorry—" Shelia repeated, picking up the broken pieces of the mug.

Grabbing her hands, Hunter forced her to stop picking up the glass, "Stop! It's alright, you're ok," he told her, feeling himself tear up slightly at his sisters terrified state.

Shelia's usual shiny, healthy hair was instead knotted, like the time Ryder had seen her in the bathroom. Her blue eyes had lost all brightness that had remained through the endless torture, now dull and dissociated with the world surrounding them.

Her slightly chapped, red lips trembled as her hands shook, face stained with dry tears, new ones threatening to fall.

Cupping her face in her hands, Hunter compelled his sister to look at him. "Calm down, please. Just calm down your safe here. He isn't going to hurt you again. I would never, let it happen. Never."

Ryder stayed back silently, not wanting Shelia to feel crowded, or claustrophobic in anyway. He watched as she began to calm down in her brothers familiar arms. One thought continued to swirl around in his mind.

What had happened that summer?


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