Art of the Swoon

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Lady Whistletowns POV

Dearest gentle reader, it is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at leisure, a sentiment that is clearly shared
by Miss Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals already this week. Some believe she is showing admirable forethought in her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjecture, that she, like this author, is still waiting on the only suitor of note.

 Adelaide POV

"Another bloody ball" I hiss as I move next to Simon with a drink in my hand. It's strange I know Daphne and him have some sort of agreement but when I look at them together I see the strangest emotions on their faces and it makes me wonder whether they are falling for each other. 

"And yet you still attend dear Adelaide" he says with a smirk

"Please as if I had a bloody choice and what happened to Lady Waters" I sigh taking another sip 

"Is Addie better?" Simon asked with a raised eyebrow 

"I hate men" I hiss realising Cole must be talking about me to Simon 

"Speaking of" Simon says and I turn to see Cole walking in with the Queen and another man I feel myself fall in a state of shock but I have no fucking idea why since I know he's related to the Queen I guess I just never imagined Cole to be an actual prince but I also notice the many eyes that fall to both Cole and the other man

"Whose the other man?" I ask 

"first in line to the throne" Simon states I quickly smack Simon across the chest as I see Miss Cowper walk up to Cole 

"Watch as Miss Cowper lowers her eyes." I say and Simon squints his eyes focussing on them 

"Oh, so demure." Simon laughs 

"Now she will look up at him, ever so quickly, and then allow her fan to slowly sweep across her bosom before casting her eyes back upon the ground, for one is much too timid to ever meet His Royal Highness's piercing gaze, of course." I gasp in a laugh 

"Oh, now he will kiss her hand. Forever charmed by her submission."  Simon says laughing as well 

"Precisely." I add before anything else can be said Daphne runs up to us 

"Oh my" She says breathlessly and she grabs on my hand before her eyes go wide and she looks in front of her 

"Prince Friedrich, this is the young lady I was telling you about, the season's diamond." The Queens voice says and I turn to see her looking between Daphne and me 

"So lovely to meet you, Miss Bridgerton. Your gown, it is exquisite." The prince says grabbing my hand and kissing it my eyes go wide and I share eye-contact with Cole and I see his facial expression is almost the same as mine. I snort and pull my hand away to cover my laugh

"My apologies but I am Lady Adelaide Waters" I say the prince looks shocked before looking at Daphne 

"No apology necessary. I-I just assumed" the prince says and he moves away as Cole comes up to me I look at him with mock anger 

"That was entirely your fault." I state 

"How does one manage to make such an unbecoming sound while laughing?" He says smirking and at the same time we blurt out laughing 

"You shut it" I say smacking him lightly 

"Would you like to dance?" he asks. When the ball was done the Bridgerton women and I went home while Anthony, Simon and Cole went out somewhere that they would not tell us. For some reason that night I couldn't fall asleep and I get myself out of bed to go for a walk. 

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